Site Statistics

The statistics displayed show a detailed view of the number and usage of the visitors to your site. The information is broken down into a wide variety of categories including the pages that are more commonly visited and the time of day that is most popular. The complete list of statistics available are presented as a series of links at the top of the page allowing you to jump straight to those that are most useful. You can view the results by month or by year dating back to when your site was created.

The stats are generated daily from the server logs using AWStats. For more detailed technical information about each of the generated stats please visit the AWStats Documentation.

Broken Links

One of the hardest jobs for the administrator of any website is keeping the content up to date, especially making sure that all links point to content that hasn't been moved or deleted. The broken links report lists the links in all of your content that are pointing to addresses that do not return a web page. Each entry in this list is a link to the page containing the broken link to allow you to correct it.

Links are scanned in content whenever you publish it, and rechecked about every two weeks.

Note that sometimes the link checker reports a broken link even if it is valid. This is because some servers block robots (such as our link checker) and only allow through real browsers. So if you check the broken link and it works fine, then you can safely ignore the warning.

Please note that although the system can detect broken links, it is not possible to detect problems where the link is still active but the content is no longer relevant. Therefore, it is considered best practice to review, on a regular basis, any links to external sites.