Publishing an item makes the page you are editing visible to visitors. There are two ways to manage the publication of your documents and pages.

The first way is to click the appropriate "...and Publish" button at the bottom of the Edit tab of the CMS page. On this page there are always two of the following buttons available:

  • Save as New Revision - saves a new revision of the item but leaves the old one live. This is good if you're working on changes and want to be able to preview them or edit them further before they're put live.
  • Save as New Revision and Publish - saves a new revision and immediately puts it live. Keeps the previous version in case you might want to roll back to it later.
  • Save - only available if you're editing a revision that isn't live - saves the current changes without publishing the page.
  • Save and Publish - only available if you're editing a revision that isn't live - saves the current changes and immediately publishes the page.

Option two, for greater control over the publication process, you can use the Publishing tab.

The Publishing Tab

The top of the Publishing tab shows the administrator the current published status of the page. It offers you the chance to change the state of the page either to publish it or take it offline.

You are also able to setup a publishing schedule. To do this click Setup Schedule, and fill in the date that you would like the page to be published or taken offline.

Finally it displays a list of every revision of the page along with an indication of the currently published version. For each revision you can view a preview of how the page looked, who created it and when, and, if published, the publishing date.