Photo above: The front of Beverley Railway Station, with the flower beds planted and maintained by Beverley in Bloom, photo thanks to Beverley in Bloom
When taking a trip along the Yorkshire Wolds Coast railway line, it is always worth taking time to appreciate the work put in by both Northern Rail, Network rail and their contractors to improve station facilities. This is complemented by a wide range of voluntary groups and volunteers who help to improve the station environment.
Photo above, flowers enhance the Georgian street scene in Beverley, Photo thanks to Beverley in Bloom
In Beverley, Beverley in Bloom is involved in planting and maintaining many of the planters around the town throughout the year, but they also work on a regular basis (Thursday afternoons) at Beverley railway station to improve the look of the area in front of the station to provide the best possible first impression for visitors arriving by train.
Photo above: Flower beds, brighten up the station car park, a great first impression as you arrive or leave from the George Andrews designed station of 1846. Photo thanks to Beverley in Bloom
In the last couple of years Beverley in Bloom have completely replanted all the borders within the car park area. Beverley in Bloom have removed old and overgrown shrubs and replanted with more appropriate shrubs, perennials and annuals. This page includes some photographs taken by Beverley in Bloom of the work they have done in 2021 of their planting - This year the sunflower border has been particularly popular with residents and visitors alike this year.
Photo above: Sunflower in the railway station car park at Beverley Station planted by Beverley in Bloom. Photo thanks to Beverley in Bloom
Beverley in Bloom have now moved on to clearing the rough ground adjacent to the car park and creating a wildlife corridor. Two bug hotels now stand in this area, made from unwanted/donated timber/tiles. Beverley in Bloom plan to plant native species to attract wildlife.
Photo above: The new bug hotels at Beverley Station, constructed by Beverley in Bloom, Photo thanks to Beverley in Bloom, July 2021
If you are travelling into Beverley by train, the more detailed report below gives an insight into the projects the volunteers from Beverley in Bloom have put in over the last couple of years improving the railway station environment.
‘March/April 2019 - work started on the long hot/dry narrow border to the right as you exit the car park. With help from members of the Beverley Rotary Club we cleared the border of existing planting, potting up for use elsewhere, dug out poor soil and added new topsoil. Plants were chosen in the orange/red/yellow spectrum to create the effect of 'prairie' planting, with many grasses and suitable perennials and bulbs. As of summer 2021, this border really started to come into its own and is now looking very established.
February 2020 - work started on the two borders adjacent to the northbound platform. As these borders have more shade, perennials and shrubs were chosen to thrive in this situation, with a colour palette of white/pink. Again, existing planting was removed to be used elsewhere where possible. These borders had to be self-sufficient as the advent of Covid meant that they did not receive the attention they otherwise would have. Again, they established well in general and look very full over the summer. Perennials were chosen for all-season interest.
September 2020 - buoyed by the success of our previous efforts we made the decision to remove the mainly dead/overgrown shrubbery in three further borders which run parallel to the station frontage. As this work was carried out around Covid restrictions most of the planting was of donated shrubs/perennials, many from our members' own gardens. Crocuses were donated and planted by members of the Rotary Club.
November 2020 - now completely on a roll we tackled the very long border which divides the car park. This involved removing old, overgrown shrubs and self-seeded small trees to allow us to start with a blank canvas. The colour choice for this area was yellow/purple/red and one of our members grew several sunflower plants from seed which were added in early summer. These grew incredibly well and became much admired and photographed. Wildlife-friendly trees have been planted to replace the sycamores removed. We continue to have issues with people walking across the border rather than taking the short path across which we have created. A solution will hopefully be found to prevent damage to the planting.
April 2021 - we felt that the large area of rough ground adjacent to the car park really let down the station surroundings, but the area was more suited to a more natural feel rather than a more defined planted area. It was decided to create a wildlife corridor to include bug hotels, a bird feeding station and a leaf bin to create leaf mould to improve the soil in the adjacent borders. Again, small self-seeded sycamore trees were removed to be replaced with various species of wildlife-friendly sapling obtained for free from the Woodland Trust. Further plantings of mixed sapling varieties will follow, again obtained for free from the Conservation Volunteers group. Two large bug hotels were created using donated pallets, wood, and roof tiles. Bulbs and other wildlife-friendly planting will be added in due course.
Christmas 2020 and 2021 - Northern Rail invited the group to decorate the station for the festive period. 2020 proved difficult given the various Covid restrictions, all members involved having to work at creating decorations on an individual basis, rather than being able to meet and put a plan together given that this was our first attempt at decorations. However, the results were amazing and were much admired by all who used the station. Rather than a traditional Christmas tree we purchased a crab apple tree with funding from Northern Rail and this was relocated to the new long border once festivities were over.
We were able to plan in a much more coordinated way for Christmas 2021. All decorations were natural where possible, with over 20 beautiful wreaths being created as well as other foliage displays. One of our members built planters from donated wood. Local schoolchildren were involved in decorating wooden baubles. The 2021 Christmas tree was created from driftwood (now standing as a feature in the wildlife garden and hung with bird feeders) and we also had a wooden sleigh and Santa's postbox for letters. Lit standard holly trees stood either side of the ticket office entrance and smaller decorations were added to the large planters around the station forecourt.
All of the above works were carried out by our volunteers (apart from some stump removal by a professional) with some funding from Northern Rail (we are currently awaiting additional funding from them to enable us to continue to improve the station area). We have a very dedicated and enthusiastic small group of regular volunteers who carry out the border maintenance and planting for a couple of hours every Thursday afternoon. It's a very social occasion and we enjoy a cuppa and a chat afterwards.’
Updated 23.2.2022