Once a year, the Community Rail Network organise the National Community Rail Awards. 

Full details of the current years event is available from the Community Rail Network Webpage

Local station adoption and friends groups are encouraged to take part.

Friends of Hunmanby Railway station entered for the first time in 2020 and have submitted 5 entries for the awards in 2022. 

Full details of the entries are listed in the pages within this folder. 

The aim is to help exchange ideas and offer inspiration to other community groups, not just at railway stations, but in wider community.

Many of the projects at Hunmanby have been used at other locations previously and Friends of Hunmanby Railway Station are grateful to all those in community groups helping to improve their local environment and involve people. Wherever you go in this country there are dedicated volunteers with a pasion for the village, town or city they live in.



By entering the Community Rail Awards, it is a way to remember, give credit and thanks to all the support Friends of Hunmanby railway station has received from the local community, traders, councillors, council staff, train operators and groups who support community activity, especially during the pandemic.


Thanks are also due to all the people, both visitors and local residents who support the local train service, and also visit the station to appreciate the 'gateway' the station has become and the haven it is for wildlife.