Success Stories


Hunmanby Railway Station had been suffering falling passenger numbers. The Office and Rail & Road produce statistics. Every purchased ticket generates a passenger journey. Thus every ticket you purchase to or from Hunmanby helps support the village station! It gives a good indication of station use. This is the data since from 1996, for Hunmanby Station, when modern detailed records were started. A year runs April to April.  Community involvement helped to generate interest in the station.  Over this time period the station saw 9 services in each direction, Monday to Saturday, with 6 on a Sunday. One improvement that did happen was the summer only Sunday train service was given a trial as a year round service. This proved popular and was retained.  

1997/98   19,637 passenger journeys

1998/99  21,641 passenger journeys

1999/00  22,620 passenger journeys

2000/01 19,945 passenger journeys

2001/02 15,820 passenger journeys

2002/03  13,226 passenger journeys

2005/06  13,977 passenger journeys

2006/07  18,976 passenger journeys First year of Hunmanby in Bloom looking after the village station

2007/08  21,760 passenger journeys 

2008/09  20,736 passenger journeys

2009/10  20,540 passenger journeys Start of year round Sunday train service

2010/11  21,468 passenger journeys

2011/12  22,198 passenger journeys

2012/13  22,690 passenger journeys

2013/14  21,796 passenger journeys

2014/15  23,304 passenger journeys

2015/16 25,116 passenger journeys

2016/17  23,792 passenger journeys

2017/18  24,742 passenger journeys Formation of Friends of Hunmanby Railway Station

2018/19 22,704 passenger journeys

2019/20 32,458 passenger journeys

Passenger numbers have continued to rise, sustained growth, with most years the trend being upward!


May 2019 saw the introduction of a regular hourly train service, and massive improvement, as up to this point, trains ran at irregular times, Sometimes with are much as a 2 hour wait between services. Northern Rail also put on more services than specified in their contract. Giving 15 trains in each direction. (rather than 14, specified by the Department for Transport in their Franchise Agreement.) Monday to Saturday, with a doubling of services on a Sunday to 12 trains in both directions.


December 2019, saw train connections improve at both Seamer and Hull with services across the Pennines to West Yorkshire and Lancashire. This was  a result of extending the train service from Sheffield to Bridlington on to Scarborough via Bempton, Hunmanby and Filey. 

Bridlington benefited from a new, Monday to Saturday, through service beyond Hull to York via Selby. At the same time Northern Rail introduced a new Hull to Halifax service via Leeds and Bradford, hourly Monday to Saturday.

Northern Rail also upgraded the type of train serving Hunmanby railway station on the Scarborough to Sheffield service. Most trains are 3 coach modern Turbo Star trains, replacing 2 coach Class 158 unit.



Passenger number were doing really well, until the start of COVID 19 pandemic. The year up to March 2020 saw 43% more passengers use the train, compared to the previous 12 month. 

May 2020 would have seen the final  upgrade of the Yorkshire Coast Rail service with Northern Rail planning to introduce an hourly York to Scarborough shuttle train, via Malton and Seamer every day of the week. This would have provided 2 service per hour for most of the day, 7 days a week between York, Malton, Seamer and Scarborough. It would have further improved connections between Bridlington, Bempton, Hunmanby and Filey with York and onward connections.

Instead Northern Rail had to modify there train service, as passenger demand fells to the lowest level in over 100 years. The 1st lockdown saw services reduced to a provide a service for key worker. When  lockdown was eased, services were re-instated. By December 2020, the train service for Hunmanby was back to normal. However within 4 weeks, a third lockdown of England will again see services modified on Mondayv 18th January 2021, to reflect government guidance.