Friends of Hunmanby Railway Station have been successful in their bid for funding from Trans Pennine Express for a healthy walking map for Hunmanby village.


 Bayley Gardens, Hunmanby in the Spring


Picture above Bayley Gardens a public open space in the heart of the Hunmanby village maintained by volunteers from the Bayley Gardens Management Committee


The group applied for £600 for the project that will see the map produced and delivered to each household in the village.


‘Lucja Majewski, Regional Development Manager for Trans Pennine Express said ‘We have received a huge amount of interest in Transform funding; however we felt the scheme was really positive and would like to support it but through the Community Rail Partnership Growth Fund via the Yorkshire Coast Community Rail Partnership. We are delighted to support the scheme with £1,500 of funding to develop the healthy walking map as well as for additional plants and flowers.’



TransPennine Express Community Rail Partnerships Growth Fund – applications now open - Community Rail Network


It is great news for Hunmanby station and compliments funding, and support already received from Northern Rail and local organisations like Reighton Nursery, Orchard Farm Holiday Village, Coast & Vale Community Action, and the Spirit of Yorkshire Distillery, which has helped to transform the station into a ‘gateway to the village.

Long Border on Platform 1 at Hunmanby Railway Station

 Photo above platform 1 at Hunmanby with the new long border well established, a pleasant place to visit during the challenging year of 2020

The extra £900 for the village station plants and flowers will last many years. The planting at Hunmanby station is mostly perennial plants, so despite over 300 foot of flower borders, plant costs are very low, many can be split, and now with the flower border so well established there will be spare plants for other local stations. The plants at Hunmanby tend to be 'rabbit resistant!'. The soil is pretty good with a local stable supplying free well-rotted horse manure. Those plants that are susceptible to frost are over wintered on the local allotments and supporter's greenhouses, however each year the hanging baskets that give the station the summer 'wow factor' are only annual's and the cost is usually around £100.

 New plastic barrel at the entrance to the Scarborough platform

One of the new plastic barrels on platform 2 at Hunmanby railway Station

The rail industry has been very generous, especially with big costs like replacing all the old wooden whisky barrels, which have a limited life, with permanent plastic ones, with a built-in reservoir. Each one cost over £100 each, this saves painting each year, and the built-in reservoir is a massive help in the dry east coast summer.

This generous funding from Trans Pennine Express not only will fund a healthy walking map for the village but sustain the plant and flower display at the village station for many years to come.  Trans Pennine Express operate the main line train service across the Pennines. Services from Hunmanby link at Seamer, Scarborough and Hull with these trains.

This link gives details about the new NOVA 3 trains that Trans Pennine Express now operate from Seamer and Scarborough

 Trans Pennine Express, New Nova 3 Trains that serve Scarborough

Picture Above one of the new Nova 3 Trains that serve Seamer and Scarborough. Thanks to Trans-Pennine Express for use of the photograph

Further details about destination served by trans Pennine Express Explore the North and Scotland webpage

Trans Pennine Express have invested in a new fleet of trains that operate from their new Scarborough Depot. The engines have names, one being named after one of the station cats at Huddersfield railway station 'Felix'

This is the link to an article by the BBC about Felix and Bolt. It also includes a great video, about the Trans Pennine Express station cats!

Felix and Bolt, the famous Huddersfield Station Cats

 Above Photo: Felix and Bolt, the famous station cats at Huddersfield Railway Station. Thanks to Trans-Pennine Express for use of the photograph.

Full details of the successful bid


Friends of Hunmanby Railway Station application

Please provide a summary of the work which the group, charity or organisation does. (Maximum 200 words)

A voluntary group working with the railway industry to promote and enhance Hunmanby Railway Station. Over 15 years the station has been transformed with 4 flower beds totalling over 300 foot, making the railway station at gateway to the rural village, betwixt Wolds and Coast. In 2020 the station won a 1st prize in the National Community Rail Awards. Passenger journeys at Hunmanby have risen 132% over the last 15 years which is above the national average. (13,977 to 32,458)


Project Title

Healthy Walking map for Hunmanby Village

Bartindale Road early morning mist Spring 2020

 Photo above early morning mist on Bartindale Road, Hunmanby

Project description (Maximum 200 words)

To produce a map of the village showing local footpaths and pathways which will be delivered by volunteers to all 1,500 properties in the village. To involve young people and young families. Hunmanby has some of the highest levels of Chronic Illness in the country. The map will show a range of walks to promote healthy living and well-being, it will include location of benches, number of steps and calories used.

The Pinfold and Lockup on Sheepdyke Lane, Hunmanby

 Photo above the Pinfold and Lockup on Sheepdyke Lane

Please describe how this project will benefit the environment?

Most of the footpaths are not signposted. Many residents are not aware of the network of paths and open spaces in their village. Cars are often used for short distances within the village. Many of the footways offer shorter journey times and would have a positive impact reducing demand on fossil fuels and promote a healthier lifestyle choice.

 Parkland Walk in Hunmanby in the Spring

Photo above the Parkland Walk in Hunmanby


Please describe how this project will promote social inclusion?

The project would work with Scarborough Borough Council, Neighbourhood Support Officers and other village organisations that already conduct social inclusion work. Friends of Hunmanby Railway Station, itself, worked last year with young families, disabled residents and their careers to present a bid for a 'Harrington Hump' under the DfT access for All funding. The project would build on this. Hunmanby village has a lack of dropped curbs the project would be to design at least one route with wheelchair users that would be accessible for local residents in a wheelchair.


Please describe how this project will reduce youth unemployment? 

The project will not help youth unemployment but would strive to work with young people in a project that would benefit the whole village and give confidence in community involvement.

Looking towards Croom Acre Plantation from Hunmanby Allotments

 Photo above Hunmanby allotments looking towards Croom Acre Plantation

Who will be involved in the project?
(Please include an estimate of the number of volunteer hours involved)

Hunmanby's strength is there are a good number of people who would volunteer, but the village lacks people who will organise. This is due to the wide range of community buildings and organisation the village already strives to maintain. Friends of Hunmanby Railway Station have been successful in involving local people, and wishes to build on the success of winning a 1st prize in last years Community Rail Awards, which would not have been achieved without the village residents and traders. Number of voluntary hours 430

Hunmanby Gap to Speeton Cliffs

 Photo above: Looking towards Speeton Cliffs from Hunmanby Gap

Will there be an opportunity for Trans-Pennine Express representatives to volunteer in support of the project?

Yes, while there is a good network of residents in the village who would give their time to suggest walking routes a big help would be advice and help finalising the design of the product from Trans Pennine Express

Low Hall, Sheep Dyke Lane, Hunmanby

 Photo above: Low Farm on Sheep Dyke Lane

How will you ensure the sustainability of the project in the long term?

The leaflet would be printed on quality paper in colour. There would be enough copies for every household. Hunmanby village for a rural area has high levels of social, private rented and tied accommodation, with a turnover of property. Enough spare copies would be retained for new households moving into the village. The leaflet would be promoted to visitors and put on display in community venues, local shops, pubs, accommodation providers and the village school.

Putting up Hunmanby Primary School's Artwork at the village station

 Photo above: Artwork from the village school, at the launch of the new hourly train service May 2019

What value of funding are you seeking?

The figure is £600

Snowdrops on the Centenary Way, Windmill Farm, Hunmanby

 Photo Above: snowdrops at Windmill Farm on the Centenary Way

Please provide an itemised breakdown of the costs associated with the project.

The amount of money is just for the printing of an A3 leaflet, double sided folded in half to A4, then tri fold. On quality paper in colour. The minimum number of copies is 1,700 for every home in the village. The optimum number is 3,000 to extend the life of the project. If the cost is under budget this would be returned to Trans-Pennine Express

Harvest Giveaway Hunmanby Railway Station

 Photo Above: Harvest Giveaway at Hunmanby Railway Station, great success thanks to Andy's work on social media

Please provide a summary of any additional third-party funding which has been agreed, or is being sought to enable the delivery of the project, along with any caveats which apply to these funds

No extra funds are being sought, but complimentary works from North Yorkshire County Council to provide more informative signage. i.e. finger posts to give a destination and number of minutes it would take to get there on foot. The village has a popular local school which again the project would like to work with. So, destination in minutes could be to: Hunmanby School, The railway Station, The Industrial Estate, The Sports Field, Children Play Parks, The Allotments, The Community Orchard. A central location in the village centre, subject to discussion, i.e. The Market Cross These type of signs are already the norm in big cities and town where promoting a healthier lifestyle and reducing road traffic is already a high priority.

The design of the leaflet would give a good section to both highlight Trans-Pennine Express support and put links to other walks available from other stations to continue to promote health and well-being.


 The Cross on Cross Hill looking towards the Methodist Church

Photo above: The Market Cross on Cross Hill, looking toward the Methodist Church

When will the project commence?

As soon as possible

 Finger Post at Castle Hill, Hunmanby

Photo above The Sabastopol corner, with finger post and well flower bed.

When will the project be completed?

Within 1 year

 Hunmanby, Gateway to the Wolds, Early Spring Flowers

Photo above: Hunmanby, Gateway to the Yorkshire Wolds

What is the largest risk which could potentially impact the successful delivery of the project, and how will this be mitigated?

The project is low tech, low risk and prime aim is to involve all sections of the community. Modern technology has given new ways to measure distance and calorie consumption. The weakness is the actual map. The fall-back option is one drawn free hand. The friends of Hunmanby Railway Station have already designed a local rail timetable and events guide and this project would build upon that success. There are 22 volunteers prepared to deliver a leaflet door to door.


Updated 20.10.2021