Village Path 20, Access from Church Hill or Church Walk. A circuit around All Saint Church yard.  Not listed as a public right of way. The churchyard is well maintained, the paths are tarmac, though steep in places. Primroses grow wild in the churchyard. Convenient for Spring Cafe.


Church Walk entrance to All Saints Churchyard footpath, Hunmanby


Photo above: Entrance to the Churchyard footpath from Church Walk


Hunmanby Village map 20, All Saints Churchyard circuit from Church Walk, Church Hill and Bridlington Street


Map above: Village path 20, All Saints Churchyard circuit, from Church Walk, Church Hill and Bridlington Street


All Saints Churchyard footpath to Church Walk, Hunmanby


Photo above: All Saints Churchyard footpath to Church Walk


All Saints Churchyard footpath to Church Hill entrance, Hunmanby


Photo above: All Saints Churchyard footpath to Church Hill entrance


Church Hill entrance to All Saints Churchyard footpath, Hunmanby


Photo above: Church Hill entrance to All Saints Churchyard footpath, Hunmanby


All Saints Churchyard footpath, under Admiral's Arch to Church Hill


Photo above: All Saints Churchyard footpath, under Admiral's Arch to Church Hill 


Admiral's Arch, Church Hill to All Saints Churchyard footpath, Hunmanby


Photo above: Admiral's Arch, Church Hill, entrance to All Saints Churchyard footpath