The Parish Council own and are responsible for three of the bus shelters within the village.  For information about the bus shelter that sits on the pavement outside the car wash at the Farrow Business Centre please contact the Infrastructure Team at Essex County Council.

Please note that fly posting in any of the bus shelters is not acceptable and any material found will be removed.  If residents have informative posters that they would like placing in the notice boards please contact the Clerk.

The brick bus shelter at Thorrington Cross, on Brightlingsea Road was built by the Parish Council in the early 1950's and it has remained largely unchanged ever since.  It was cleaned for a number of years by Pride of Tendring recipient Mr J Baker.  Unfortunately lately it is attracting increasing levels of anti-social behaviour and is in need of changing in design to prevent this. 


The Parish Council are currently discussing options for the future of this shelter, including potential funding streams. 

If anyone would like to get involved with this project please contact the Clerk or the RFO.

Thorrington Parish Council

Lynsey Ritchie-Fagg

01255 736077

1 Heron Way
Frinton on Sea
CO13 0UU