Meeting Dates: The Parish Council holds a full council meeting every month at 7pm in Thorrington Village Hall, Church Road.
8th January 2025
5th February 2025
5th March 2025
2nd April 2025
7th May 2025
4th June 2025
2nd July 2025
6th August 2025
3rd September 2025
1st October 2025
5th November 2025
3rd December 2025
At each meeting the Council discusses the items listed on the agenda that the Clerk publishes beforehand. Members of the public are welcome to attend to observe the business being transacted. There is a specific item number on each agenda for questions from the public usually towards the start, outside of this the audience may not address the Council unless permitted by whoever is chairing the meeting.
Meetings are carried out within the current standing orders adopted by the Parish Council and attendees are expected to abide by the code of conduct, both of which can be found through the links below.
Thorrington Parish Council Standing Orders
Annual Meeting
Each year the Council must hold an annual meeting where a Chairman and Vice-Chairman is elected by the Councillors. The representative roles are also allocated and all committees are reviewed by the Council.