Parish Council contracts must be handled in a specific manner and can only be authorised by the Council as a whole.  No individual Councillor can enter into a contract on behalf of the Council.  Further details about how contracts are awarded and who can authorise work or payments, can be found in the Parish Council's Thorrington Parish Council Financial Regulations 2019.

Thorrington Parish Council contract out a number of tasks to outside companies.  Should you wish to provide a quote for any of these contracts or would like more information please contact the RFO.

Grass maintenance

The Parish Council maintain a number of grassed areas within the village.  Our voluntary handyman maintains the Parish Council owned Chapel Lane Playing Field and the general areas of the allotment site (allotment tenants maintain the paths around their plot).  Whilst the open space at Hazel Close is owned by Tendring District Council, it was considered by the Parish Council that the grass was not kept well enough so they took on the maintenance, which is also carried out by our handyman. 

The roadside verges throughout the village belong to Essex County Council but like with many rural areas are maintained by the Parish Council.  Due to the nature of the work it is contracted out and each year the Council review the schedule of work required before it is sent to contractors who have expressed an interest in taking on the work.  In line with the governance of the the Council any extra cuts outside of the schedule are approved by the Clerk.

For 2024- 2027 the Parish Council have agreed to the award the tender of Grass Maintenance to Landscape Services. 

The current maintenance contract is due for renewal at the end of October 2027.

Street light maintenance

The Parish Council maintain 35 lights within the village, with the remaining lights being the responsibility of Essex County Council.  In order to maintain the lights a contractor is appointed.  The Parish Council considered a number of tenders at the last renewal and selected A & J Lighting Solutions Ltd.  The lights are serviced annually and repairs are carried out as and when required, authorised via the Parish Clerk.

The current maintenance contract is due for renewal at the end of November 2026.


Thorrington Parish Council

Lynsey Ritchie-Fagg

01255 736077

1 Heron Way
Frinton on Sea
CO13 0UU