The Village Voice is published quarterly by the Residents’ Association.
One edition per year is distributed to all residents in Onslow Village, the others are distributed to OVRA members only.
The Latest Edition:
Summer 2023
Get your Items or Events into the Village Voice!
If you would like to tell Onslow Village residents about your group's forthcoming events or issues that might interest them, please get in touch.
The COPY DATE for the Autumn edition is 20th September 2023.
Your Newsletter didn't arrive?
The publication of a Village Voice newsletter is announced in OVRA news emails etc. If you are a member and your newsletter hasn't arrived, it is probably because we are using the on-line version. You can access the latest edition by clicking on the icon at the top of this page.
The Village Voice Archive - Previous Editions:
Note rotate pages if necessary using the rotate icon
If you have old Village Voice copies that aren't in this archive please let us have access to them and we will add them here....