Response to Heathrow expansion consultation -  on behalf of Kingston Environment Forum. We object to a third runway at Heathrow, indeed to any airport expansion, on the following grounds:


We believe that the business case for airport expansion has been much exaggerated and see no reason why S W London residents, schools and businesses should suffer worse traffic congestion and noise and air pollution in order that frequent fliers (75% of all flights are taken by 15% of the population) can fly even more frequently, mainly for recreational reasons.


Air qualilty around Heathrow and the roads leading to Heathrow is already very poor, and increased road traffic to an expanded Heathrow can only increase air pollution and all the well known risks to health caused by pollution.  


The forecast 700 extra planes a day using Heathrow would worsen noise pollution, and would affect areas in SW London such as the borough of Kingston that have hitherto been relatively unaffected.


Many of the roads to Heathrow from SW London and beyond are already severely congested at peak times, and there is little capacity for new roads in such heavily built-up areas.  


At a time when we should be cutting carbon emissions from all sources, including from road traffic and airplanes, in order to meet agreed international targets to reduce climate change, it would be counterproductive to expand any airport, thereby encouraging more air travel.


Marilyn Mason

Co-chair, Kingston Environment Forum


See also - see KEF response to the consultation on Heathrow expansion, May 2017objecting to expansion largely on air quality and sustainability grounds.