For the latest updates from KEF members and others, read and subscribe to Kingston Environment Newsthe monthly e-newsletter of Transition Town Kingston and Kingston Environment Centre, for everyone interested in green events, activities and news around Kingston. For the most recent KEF news see the links on the left and at the bottom of this page.

KEF news

2022-23 - KEF revival - see

2022 - KEF has downsized. In the absence of any interest in coordinating or representing this loose network, KEF is for now just this website/archive of resources and a Facebook page for local environmental queries, campaigns and discussions... 

2021 - Several KEF collaborations are bearing fruit this autumn: GreenZone is appearing outside Kingston Library on Sunday 10th October; the Kingston green mapping project, first discussed at at a real-life meeting in one of John Lewis' community rooms some time ago is about to be published; and a Kingston Climate Emergency Centre looks very likely to be open soon. We are pleased to have brought together the groups and individuals that are making these things happen - KEF fulfilling its role as a convener and catalyst! Watch this space for further news. 

A reminder about funding opportunities from Kingston Voluntary Action
Green groups large and small looking for funds are reminded to keep an eye on KVA's Funding page and regular Funding bulletins, which list current funding sources and occasional funding seminars.

2nd KEF on-line discussion,  May 26th, 6.30pm, on Kingston GreenZone 2021?
Could a 2021 GreenZone event in the town centre help to galvanise the public, raise the profile of local green groups, recruit more volunteers, create a more connected and committed community, and encourage more environmental activity locally? How green could Kingston be? A panel of GreenZone experts and enthusiasts, led by Alison Whybrow of Transition Town Kingston,will be discussing these and other questions about how to revive the one-day GreenZone event, much missed last year. Come along to share ideas. There will also be an opportunity to share other local environmental news and updates in an Open Forum at the end and the evening will end at 8.00pm at the latest. Register for this event, hosted by Kingston Environment Forum, at

First KEF on-line talk con Kingston Kingston's Peoples Assembly on the Climate Emergency, April 2021
Bob Bollen and Simon Sinclair talked and answered questions about a new project in Kingston, Kingston's People's Assembly on the Climate Emergency. The main presentation was followed by an open forum, an opportunity to share other local environmental news and updates. Find out more at

2021, KEF talks?
KEF is considering hosting a few on-line talks/discussions on local environmental issues, perhaps quarterly. As an umbrella group/forum KEF is well placed to look at cross-cutting themes and/or to present new local green themes or groups or campaigns to each other and beyond. We have had some suggested topics already, but offers and ideas from KEF member groups or interested parties would be welcome too - contact the KEF coordinator via this email with your suggestions; ideally, KEF talks and discussions would be of local but broad environmental interest, and informative, positive, forward-looking, action-focussed and non-party-political.

2021 KEF participation in Kingston Council's Communities Covid Recovery Task Force
See separate news items and updates, with latest news also on Home page

2020 - is there a need to reconvene?
It can be useful to the borough and the Council to have a forum support and enocouragement to the  when it does the right thing, and urge it to do even more. There are a lot of environment issues around the borough at the moment: new cycle lanes and opposition to them; development; maintenance of green spaces, grass verges, trees; air quality; action on last years' Climate Emergency Declaration; Seething Wells... ut, as we have found in the past, it is difficult to (a) get together and (b) arrive at a group view when the main interests of the member-groups are quite diverse and sometimes conflicting. If any of our member-groups would like to revive meetings and/or group projects and responses, do please get in touch. Otherwise, this website can remain as a resource and our Facebook page as a place to raise questions and concerns, and I can carry on maintaining them as KEF Coordinator, former Chair, Marilyn.

Read an interesting report from WWF on eco-footprints in the UK.

Click on the links below for news and updates from KEF member-groups and others.  

You can also: 

- get news about Habitats & Heritage

- sign up for Kingston Biodiversity Network updates at  

- read the Berrylands Nature Reserve blog ayt

- get Guardian Green Light for national and international green news

- subscribe to New Scientist's Fix the Planet newsletter


You could help persuade Kingston Councillor to support the declaration.

Air Pollution FAQs, as requested at the January Great Green New Year Gathering, are now published on this website.

A recent BBC TV programme revealed some alarming facta sbout what happens to the plastic matetial "recycled" in the UK and then exported...

KEF has been participating in the Council's Covid Recovery Taskforce and its Volunteering and Mental Health and Wellbeing subgroups.

Ideas welcome, particularly from local environmental groups:

WWF is offering community groups free digital screenings of the newly eleased David Attenborough film A Life on Our Planet,

KEF will be represented at a Richmond and Kingston Greenpeace-hosted Zoom discussion on Tuesday 13th October 2020

Clean air campaign group Mums for Lungs has co-ordinated a nationwide alliance of organisations to call on the Government for a stronger Environment Bill. Over 100 groups, including KEF, have written to the Government, urging them to act on their claims of being world leaders on the environment and calling for the inclusion of World Health Organisation air quality guidelines to be enshrined in the Environment Bill.

Please respond to Kingston's Air Quality Action Plan consultation before 17/1/21

The first KEF on-line talk, on Kingston Kingston's Peoples Assembly on the Climate Emergency, will be on the evening of 28th April 2021