Kingston GreenZone 2021?

Wednesday 26 May 2021
18:30 to 20:00

Could a 2021 GreenZone event in the town centre help to galvanGZ logoise the public, raise the profile of local green groups, recruit more volunteers, create a more connected and committed community, and encourage more environmental activity locally? How green could Kingston be?

A panel of GreenZone experts and enthusiasts, led by Alison Whybrow of Transition Town Kingston, will initiate an on-line discussion about bringing back the one-day GreenZone event, much missed last year by local environmental groups. Come along to discuss how, and with your ideas and offers. It will need a lot of energy and help to make it happen later this year, though it will be worth it, and if this meeting decides to go ahead, this will be the first of many planning meetings. 

There will also be an opportunity to share other local environmental news and updates in an Open Forum at the end and the evening will end at 8.00pm at the latest. Register for this event, hosted by Kingston Environment Forum, at