Star gazing feb 2025



2024 events



Friday 13th October 2017 from 19:00pm to 22:00pm



for other Star Gazing events






 Brochure of all activities and events

available from Park Pavillion or Libraries.





Is practiced in the park beside the Herb Garden by a group of enthusiasts. 

This is a practice in balance that typically uses nylon or polyester webbing tensioned between two anchor points. This is distinct from tightrope walking in that the line is not held rigidly taut (although it is still under some tension); it is instead dynamic, stretching and bouncing like a long and narrow trampoline. The line's tension can be adjusted to suit the user.




On going events


GARDEN GROUP - every Friday, 10 am.  Meet at the entrance to the Bowling Green.  From June to August also meets 5.30 pm every Thursday.  All welcome.  For more information contact 07854034336


TAI CHI - most mornings, weather permitting.   8am - 9 am. 

Improve your health and make new friends in the setting of this beautiful park.

Tai Chi is practiced every morning in parks all over China. It is gentle exercise that is suitable for people of all ages, abilities and levels of physical fitness. Come along to our informal session and meet our friendly, qualified instructor. For further information telephone 07909715202

Meet at Park Lodge entrance on King Edward Road.  (for more information about Tai Chi, click here)