August 2010

The Parish Council Meeting of the Elstead Parish Council

was held in the United Reformed Church Hall, Elstead

Monday 16 August 2010, commencing at 7.30pm

Present: Messrs D Holmes (Chairman), A Jones, B Morgan,

M Jeffery, P Murphy, R Holroyd, R C Terry, Mrs A Thomas, also

attending Fiona Haines Surrey Wildlife Trust, James Giles Reserve

Manager Thursley Natural England and 3 parishioners and 1 press.

Apologies for absence: - Mrs S Place

A presentation was given by Fiona Haines and James Giles on an overall review of what was currently being proposed for the Thursley, Ockley, Elstead Royal and Bagmoor Commons regarding the long term sustainable management, and explaining the general benefits for people and wildlife as a whole. A number of issues were raised during the presentation. It was felt that a map at the moat would be helpful and concern was raised that routes were poorly marked and rights of ways are very difficult to walk during the winter months, therefore, extra maintenance should be undertaken - especially Bridleway 69. Management techniques were outlined generally. Further information could be obtained from the website A questionnaire on the future management was issued and it was hoped that members would complete it and return it to Surrey Wildlife Trust.


The minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed.


1731 Gateways to village – Following the demolition of the village gateway in Thursley Road, Mr Holmes has chased SCC to resolve the matter. It was noted that the posts have been replaced.

1894 Regarding the large branch hanging from a tree at Silver Birches - Whilst this had been reported to SCC, no action has currently been taken. The Parish Council agreed to review the matter if no action has been taken by SCC by the next Council meeting.

2005 Playground Sub-Committee Review - A further meeting would be held by the sub-committee to review the brief and suggest a way forward. Mrs Place to report back on likely funding options prior to the meeting being set up.

2029 Elstead, Royal & Bagmoor Commons - It was reported that agreement had been reached with the MOD and SCC on the works required to Bridleway 69, which would be undertaken subject to an ecological survey being undertaken by English Nature. Mr Murphy agreed to pursue the matter to get the problem resolved.

2038 It was reported by Mr Morgan that WBC had an extra level of manpower available to undertake additional street cleaning. Members suggested Redhouse Lane. It would also be noted that cars outside the school would need to be removed so that the cleaning could be carried out successfully.

2042 Pedestrian Crossing Update - Following the report that due to a series of funding cuts the proposals would not be forthcoming, members were disappointed to learn this. However, the matter would still be pursued with SCC and a safety audit would be asked for. Mr Holmes has again requested that a safety audit be undertaken by SCC to the site proposed.

2047 Waverley's Environmental Services section usually sends out the schedule

of cleaning dates for roads in towns and parishes twice a year; they now have a

facility on the website which will enable you to find the date of cleaning

individual roads. An offer was made to any of our members who wanted a tour of inspection of the areas of the village to discuss any concerns. Mr Holmes would contact Mr Redmond to arrange a site visit.

2053 Mr Murphy attended the recent allotments meeting and the matter of additional drainage was again discussed. The allotment committee would obtain a quotation for the works and the Parish Council would consider a contribution towards the costs.

2054 Mr Morgan noted that a swarm of flies had again been noticed around Hookley Farm this year. Any further problems should be reported to

Mr Morgan. Mrs Thomas reported that flies had also appeared at Hookley

Lane. It was reported that environmental health have been to site and the

problem appears not to be associated with the chicken farm.


2057 Mr Holmes gave an update of the recent meeting held to review the proposals to set up a website. After a general debate it was agreed that a website specific to the Parish Council requirements should be set up. The costs proposed were agreed as noted in the report attached (Appendix A).


2058 A general review of the existing schedule of outstanding maintenance was undertaken and the schedule amended accordingly.


2059 The reports received were noted.

2060 WBC – Review of licensing policy – handed to Mr Murphy.

2061 SCC – Countryside Services public value reviews – handed to Mr Holmes who would circulate to all members.

2062 WBC – SHLAA potential suitable housing sites in Elstead was considered


2063 Accounts for payment:

The following accounts for August are presented for payment £

* C P Newman - Salary August, meeting, copies, mileage, 506.40

* Southern Electric – Burford Pavilion 34.49

* Fortune (UK) Ltd – Seat signs 27.02

* Daniel Ciran – Village maintenance 201.11


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2064 A number of items were noted on maintenance issues; these will be dealt with and included on the maintenance schedule.

2065 Spar notice board is cluttered with out-of-date information and should be

Tidied up. Mr Holroyd would talk to the Spar shop about it.

2066 A request was made to re-site the small litter bin from Peat Common to Gunners Lane. Mr Holmes would talk to WBC. Mr Redmond to agree the revised location.

2067 Parking around the Village Green was causing problems. It was suggested that yellow lines be investigated. However, whilst this was a suggestion there would be no-one to police it.

2068 Cold calling was an issue and should be reported to PC Hawkes to review and take the necessary action.

2069 Mrs Thomas reported that the revised bus routes as agreed previously to help the school runs had in fact not been relayed to the new drivers via the bus companies. Mrs Thomas would try and sort out the problem prior to the new school term.


2070 A number of items were noted on maintenance issues; these will be dealt with and included on the maintenance schedule.

Meeting closed 22.05