Parish Council Minutes

Recent Parish Council Minutes are available at the Elstead Parish Council website [LINK]

Earlier Minutes are archived [LINK]

Parish Council Minutes from January 2004 to December 2009

may be available by request in an archive from the old Elstead News web site.

From December 2009 to 2010 they are held on this site.

Click on a month to read them as Acrobat PDF files.

December 2010 

November 2010 (missing)

October 2010

September 2010

August 2010

July 2010

June 2010

May 2010 (missing)

April 2010

March 2010

February 2010

January 2010

December 2009

Archive 2004-2009

If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader you can install it from here

The old Elstead News website is no longer available but many of the articles have been transferred to this site.