News Update: This build has been refused by Richmond Council and we hope will not be appealed for the sake of Nature Conservation primarily but also for neighbours who have experienced three applications in three years; all on this stretch of the River Crane Corridor.
The Hedgerow on MOL has established into a well used Roost and Nesting site over the thirty years we have lived here and it has never been pruned so it is undisturbed and provides a safe habitat for many species; some on the endangered list eg Red Admirals, Mistle thrush. It is also a flight line for birds and bats and it is in need of safeguarding for the connectivity and biodiversity of the River Crane Corridor.
Another Green space will be lost if the garages are demolished and the building plot is extended into it towards the MOL and River Crane Corridor. The Hedgerow may not survive the building works which are on a Flood Plain and over a major sewer. It is not an easy build.
This small green space is home for a multitude of wildlife and an established flight line for birds. The dark sky where the moths and bats feed will be no more. If the hedgerow survives the building works will it survive once the people move in to their three storey building with their terrace looking out on a dense,claustrophobic wall of foliage or will it be cut down to give a river view?
Of course, their river view will be our community view (from Crane Park River Walk on the other side of the river) of three large buildings instead of greenery and wildlife. Too high a price to pay for what is not affordable housing or a real help to local residents housing needs but rather another green space lost for profit.
Once it is gone it is gone forever. Your choice.