We will be adding links to this page which have ecology information from websites that offer expert advice and knowledge on the actual River Crane Sanctuary area and on wider ecological issues which affect biodiversity, connectivity, pollution and more.

Groups already in this area have done so much to protect and promote sustainability along the River Crane Corridor and our amazing green Borough. We are passionate amateurs and will defer to their expertise. 

Please join the RSPB and partake in the Annual Garden Bird watch and The Butterfly Conservation Organisation for the  Butterfly Count to register the diversity and numbers; especially if you live adjacent to the River Crane Sanctuary area.

More links coming to sites and videos on ecology. Meanwhile check out Sir David Attenborough's many films and offerings, Our local Hero!  

Support Friends of the Earth and visit their informative website to keep up to date with current issues:  Fofte Website

 Click here to identify butterflies and Moths     Click here to identify Trees     Click here to identify Birds    Click here to see Why Bats Matter

Click here for hedgehog information  Click here to identify Bumble Bees  Click here for Wildlife Trust - how to make a pond.

The Main Groups working in this area are below: 

The Conservation Volunteers/Green Gyms    Friends of the River Crane Environment  FORCE

London Wildlife Trust  LWT

Habitats & Heritage

Listen and see the trees blowing in the wind:  Wind Song in the Sanctuary

Photographs on the flickr album: River Crane Sanctuary Walk and this website are by Iain Macqueen and Sammi Macqueen

bird with a berry damiselle fly butterflyFishbird in a treebee swarm     



 Is it a frog? - Mushroom Magic   Fungi in the Sanctuary

 comma butterfly      red admiral