We are neighbours, friends and nature lovers who reside near or enjoy the River Crane Metropolitan Open Land/ Green Space . Many of us have lived, worked and brought up children/or are bringing up children, in this Borough, and we are passionate about keeping our natural environment safe from new builds on these sensitive areas already identified as essential for the physical and mental wellbeing of humanity let alone the safeguarding of what little wild spaces are left for our beloved Flora and Fauna.
Please join us if you love and want to protect nature on The River Crane Sanctuary -
From Kneller Gardens, The Meadway to The Shot Tower.
Why just this stretch of the River Corridor? Because it contains areas of complete, uninhabited, wild or open lands which are thriving with wildlife in relatively safe spaces away from domesticated animals and human traffic. Also, it is in places at the narrowest part of the River Crane corridor which means it is more vulnerable to pollution and damage. It has Dark Skies essential for Bats and nesting birds (free from light pollution) and it has Ancient Trees.
We also believe that individuals can do a lot to enhance and support wildlife in their own gardens adjacent to this area and that will help the environmental groups already in place such as FORCE and London Wildlife Trust. It begins with US! This site will provide information and links for this purpose on the ecology page.
It was amazing to find so much support for the objection to the recent planning application but also concerning to realise that many people did not know this area existed on their doorstep or its worth; that with all the great work to advertise and inform the public by local environmental groups. We feel that we have not done enough to support these groups and therefore we would like to raise more awareness by this project of their work and what else needs to be done.
Small is Beautiful and we can start here as individuals to make a difference. This is our locality which we walk and gaze upon everyday We are all volunteers and self funding and we trust that by defending and promoting this Sanctuary we can encourage others to do the same where they live to acknowledge how lucky we are to live here at all. The bigger environmental charities have many calls on their attention and funds; if each stretch of the River Corridor is adopted by neighbours it can only help the larger groups with their aims and objectives. The River Crane Sanctuary is crossed by The Meadway and Hospital Bridge Road and runs between the Staines Road and the Major Chertsey Road A316.( Look on google maps at the in-filling and building all around this area.) This is our Green Lung and it is already congested. If you love Nature and the River Crane, join us in this awareness raising endeavour. It will be fun and you will meet some fantastic people who care about wildlife and humanity.
It is free and confidential to Join our Project and all you need to do is e mail to ask for membership on the contact page