
Joining Instructions 17-07-2024

Start Time 1900 hrs. Park and report for Bib Collection by 1840 hrs latest please. Car park Marshalls will be in place from 1800 hrs, please park as directed and come more than one to a car where you can. Use the Ringo App to pay.

Langley Park 5km Summer Evening Series - Final Pre Race 3 Communication.

These summer evening runs are a series of 3 x 5K trail races in Langley Park Country Park. The first and second races are now done and we now are just 1 day away from our third and final race day Wednesday 17/07/2024. Please do re read the instructions below and all the information. Especially regarding car parking . Entries have now closed. The enthusiasm for this series is a mark of how well it has been set up and run for the years it has been around. I have been so lucky to take it on as RD from both Fred and Fiona. There will be no 'Entry on the Day'.

A special shout out to Dirk Vennix who stepped in as RD for the June Race. Thank you Dirk all have reported your organisation was excellent.

Please can I ask after the race is over and whilst we are working out our winners that all offer help in clearing down and carrying posts, and other items to both my car and Fred's car. This way we will not still be in the Park past 2100 hrs. Remember we have to clear the area and clean the toilets then lock up.

Car Parking is provided in a Marshalled Car Park for which you must pay. You can do this in advance on Ringo or when you arrive at the Park. We must encourage all to car share please. Because we are so full with entries you will be expected to park one behind another in several areas.

Club Team Competition New for 2024 Series

Please note that Club Kit Must be worn to qualify. First three runners of a mixed team to count. The team does not have to be the same for each race of the series. The points for this will be taken from the positions across the line added together. The points for each race will as the individual points be carried forward to the next race adding up to the final score after three races.


Confirmed dates for 2024.

May 15/05- Results elsewhere on this page.

June 19/06 - Results elsewhere on this page.

July 17/07




Entry fees:

Individual day's entry - £8.00 each race / (£10.00 unaffiliated)

A series discount of £1 per race will be available to those entering all three races as one.

Online entry opened on 1st April 2024. 

Further details: 

Detailed race info. Information on Langley Park, Course Image, Series Awards.

It is worth visiting the park in May just to see the rhododendron garden. Noted as one of the best in the country.

In the event of cancellation due to circumstances beyond our control we will attempt to reschedule the race. If that is not possible, we will refund your entry fee after deduction of expenses incurred.








Countryside Rangers,
Black Park Country Park,