July 2010

The Parish Council Meeting of the Elstead Parish Council

was held in the United Reformed Church Hall, Elstead

Monday 19 July 2010, commencing at 7.30pm

Present: Messrs D Holmes (Chairman), A Jones,B Morgan,

M Jeffery, Mr P Murphy, Mrs S Place,Mrs A Thomas, also

attending Cllr D Harmer SCC, PC Support officer J Francis and

2 parishioners and 1 press.

Apologies for absence: -Mr R Holroyd, Mr R C Terry,

Police Liaison – PC Support Officer John Francis gave a general update of a number of incidents that have occurred in the Village since the last report. Crime was low in the area with four reported items. The parking problem outside the Spar, whilst it had improved, was again causing a problem and PC Hawkes would be asked to try and resolve the problem again. Traffic congestion around St James Primary School at drop off and pick up times during term time was one of the topics raised. It was suggested that marking out safe cycle lanes around the village could help reduce the number of vehicles by making it safer for children to cycle to school.


The minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed.


1731 Gateways to village – Due to a recent road accident and the fact that the gateway in Thursley Road has been demolished Mr Holmes has chased SCC to resolve the matter.

1235 Burford Lodge – Tennis Club floodlight extensions – Following the instruction to the Tennis Club to hold a meeting with those residents affected by the increased height of the floodlights, it was reported that a meeting would be held on 25 June 2010, a number of Cllrs would attend.

1894 Regarding the large branch hanging from a tree at Silver Birches, whilst this had been reported to SCC, no action has currently been taken. The Parish Council agreed to review the matter if no action has been taken by SCC by the 26 July 2010 when the works should be completed.

2005 Playground Sub-Committee Review - A further meeting would be held by the sub-committee to review the brief and suggest a way forward. Mrs Place to report back on likely funding options prior to the meeting being set up.

2029 Thursley, Ockley, Elstead, Royal & Bagmoor Commons Stakeholder Engagement - It was reported that agreement had been reached with the MOD and SCC on the works required to Bridleway 69, which would be undertaken subject to an ecological survey being undertaken by English Nature. It was further noted that Surrey Wildlife Trust, Natural England and the MOD who administer the commons are considering options for the long term sustainable management of the commons for the benefit of people and wildlife. It was suggested that a presentation should be given to the Parish Council by Surrey Wildlife Trust to explain its plans and objectives, an invitation would be issued to attend a Parish Council meeting.

2038 It was reported by Mr Morgan that WBC had an extra level of manpower available to undertake additional street cleaning. Members were asked to review the position and suggest locations.


2041 The next meeting would be arranged in due course to review the various options raised previously.


2042 Following the report that due to a series of funding cuts the proposals would not be forthcoming, members were disappointed to learn this. However, the matter would still be pursued with SCC and a safety audit would be asked for. Mr Holmes has again requested that a safety audit be undertaken by SCC to the site proposed.


2043 Following the instruction given to the Tennis Club to hold a public consultation of adjoining neighbours affected by the increase in height of the floodlights, the planning approval to leave the floodlights at the new height was granted by WBC. The public meeting was held and the attendance was disappointing with two residents and three e-mails received. A number of Parish Council members attended the meeting. Members were still disappointed at the way the Tennis Club had behaved over the matter and ignored the terms of the lease. Following a general debate on the general issues of the club on lettings, it was however noted the facilities were well used and good for the youth. Concerns were expressed at the amount of extra traffic that has been created, car parking may well be a further long term issue. It was proposed by Mr Morgan and seconded by Mr Jones to instruct the Tennis Club to reduce the height and this was voted on, this was lost. A second proposal was made by Mr Holmes and seconded by Mrs Thomas to take no further action, again a vote was taken and the second proposal was carried based on a 4 to 2 vote and 1 abstention.

It was also requested that the Tennis Club be written to follow the strict terms of the lease and seek approval on any items of change or addition on any matter.


2044 Mr Holmes attended the meeting held on 5 July 2010.The main items under review was on the E-Consultation hub. Farnham Town Council offered to undertake a trial of the proposed scheme, a report and feed back would be provided in due course. Planning applications can be viewed on www.planningportal.gov.uk Also under review is that a number of main contracts are up for renewal, again Parish Councils would be asked for its views in due course. Concerns have been raised at the lack of inspections undertaken of contractors work.


2045 Parish and Town Councils have been advised that compensatory grants may be withdrawn or funding reduced in future years. The Chair of the Ewhurst Parish Council has written to all local councils to seek support and lobby WBC not to cut these grants. Whilst the Parish Council have concerns as well, it was felt unable to support this lobby until more information was provided by WBC.


2046 Mrs Place gave a general update and advised that she had spoken to three specialist contractors to seek their views on what could be achieved. When this was available a brief could be set and passed back through the sub-group for review and recommendation to the Parish Council. Grants were also an issue and should be followed up by Mrs Place, together with any limitations that could be imposed by such grant bodies on how and when the monies should be spent, and whether such grants could be carried forward or held and ring fenced. Clearly funds would be limited and a wish list should then be considered and prioritised.

It was also agreed to replace the broken cradle seat at a cost of £190.00 at Thursley Road and also to replace the vandalised safety surface at Burford Lodge Recreation Ground at a cost in the order of £1,900.00. It was agreed not to instruct this until September due to the usage of the park being restricted on health and safety grounds.


2047 Waverley's Environmental Services section usually sends out the schedule

of cleaning dates for roads in towns and parishes twice a year; they now have a

facility on the website which will enable you to find the date of cleaning

individual roads. The link http://waverley.gov.uk/live/wbc/envclean.nsf

A schedule as well, either electronic or hard copy can still be provided

Also, an offer was made if any of our Members wanted a tour of inspection of the area which could be arranged to discuss any concerns we may have.

Mr Holmes would contact Mr Redmond to arrange a site visit. This could include street cleaning issues including graffiti, fly tipping or litter and any refuse or recycling concerns we may have.


2048 A meeting was held at WBC on 30 June 2010 to receive a presentation on: Government Policy Planning Changes, Legislation changes and E-consultation hub update. Mr Terry and the Clerk attended.


2049 The reports received were noted.


2050 Accounts for payment:

The following accounts for July are presented for payment  £

* C P Newman - Salary July, meeting, copies, mileage,  553.76

* United Reformed Church- Lettings charge  70.00

* Veolia – Bin emptying Burford Lodge  45.83


2051 Mr Holmes has received a letter from a young resident enquiring if the Parish Council could provide a skate park at Burford Lodge Recreation Ground. Members pointed out that it is not the total responsibility of the Parish Council

to provide everything and perhaps additional support should be encouraged to progress items and then the Parish Council could lend additional support in such schemes if appropriate. Mr Holmes agreed to write to the young man in question.


2052 A number of items were noted on maintenance issues; these will be dealt with and included on the maintenance schedule.

2053 Mr Murphy attended the recent Allotments meeting and the matter of additional drainage was again discussed. The allotment committee would obtain a quotation for the works and the Parish Council would consider a contribution towards the costs.

2054 Mr Morgan noted that the swarm of flies had again been noticed around Hookley Farm again this year. Any further problems should be reported to

Mr Morgan.


2055 A number of items were noted on maintenance issues; these will be dealt with and included on the maintenance schedule.


2056 TM/2010/0065 Application for works to trees subject to TPO WA259

04/06/2010 Cape Cottage, Peat Common, Elstead

Easting : 490456 Northing : 142811

The Parish Council have no objection subject to the WBC tree officers comments

WA10/0894 Conversion of garage to habitable space with bedroom

27/05/2010 over, front elevation, side extension and general alterations

Peat Cottage, Beacon View Road, Elstead

Easting : 490331 Northing : 142760

The Parish Council have no objection, but not to extend over the building line

WA10/0930 Erection of two storey and single storey extensions 03/06/2010 enlargement to first floor bedroom and erection of entrance canopy to Corner Cottage Rear first floor extension to Sundew Cottage

Corner Cottage & Sundew Cottage, Sands Lane, Tilford

Easting : 489020 Northing : 145080

The Parish Council have no objection

WA10/1076 Application for a new planning permission to replace extant 28/06/2010 permission WA2007/1577 (outline application for the erection of 4 flats with associated parking following demolition of part of existing retail unit)

Land at Honeypot Antiques, Milford Road, Elstead

Easting : 491026 Northing : 143580

The Parish Council have no objection

Meeting closed 21.55