Notice Board and Latest News

Parish Council Meetings

The Agenda for the Annula Parish Conucil Assembly Meeting, which is scheduled to be held at ther Duntisboure Abbots Village Hall on Thursday 30 May 2024, is at:



The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 26 March 2024 can be found at the following link:



A copy of the latest Parish Accounts as presented to the Budget Meeting finanalised 28 November 2023 is at:


The Annual Report by the Chair of the Parish Coucil with respect to the Financial Year (FY) 23/24 is provided here:
Finance: Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
A copy of the 'Annual Infrastructure Levy Report' can be found at:


District Councillor Updates

Julia Judd - Ermin Ward Councillor


District Councillor Julia Judd forwards regular updates on local issues and consultations.

CouncillorJudd's Annual Parish Report for 2024 can be accessed through the link provided here:


Councillor Judd's Report provides a very useful round-up of issues of interest and relevance to constituents within and around the Duntisbournes Parish.

For those who might wish to comment on local planning applications, Councillor Judd produced A Straightforward Guide to Commenting on Planning Applications for use by Councillors and residents, see the link below:
