Surrey Heath Museum & Heritage Services : 33 Obelisk Way, The Square, Camberley, Surrey. GU15 3SG

The Museum is open from Tuesday to Saturday, 11 to 4.30.

Admission is FREE. 

Our programme of exhibitions and events includes walks, talks, children’s activities, plus special events for Heritage Open Weekends. Click to follow link.

We have a well stocked shop selling books, gifts, exhibition related items as well as toys and games for children. Click to follow link.

Disabled Access: Our museum is on the ground floor and so fully accessible. The Heritage Gallery is on the first floor, and is accessible by lift accessed at the rear of the museum.

Contact the Heritage Team via email -  or telephone 01276 23771. 

Please follow these links to follow us on Twitter or befriend us on Facebook for the latest news and updates.

Please follow this link to download our Risk Assesment  - 2020 Risk Assess w C19