Minutes of Meeting, Tuesday, 10th January 2023

The Parish Council met on Tuesday, 10th January in the Evangelical Hall, at 7.30pm



Chairman Siddall

Vice Chairman Lawrence


Councillors: T. Gritton, V. Hare, J. Hughes, A, Philpott                                                  Parishioners: 4


545. Apologies for Absence: apologies were received from Councillor Venton


546. To invite Councillors to declare an interest in matters on the Agenda. None were declared


547. Minutes 06/12/2022

          RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Parish Council and the Annual Parish Council meeting held

         on 6th December 2022 be approved and confirmed.


548.  a) Planning applications

         22/01248/HOUSE Single storey rear extension. Pitched roof over existing attached garage.

         Seasons, School Road. The Parish Council approved this application on the grounds of D1 design and

         improvement of visual impact.


         b) Planning decisions

         There were no decisions from MDC.


549. TCWG & Speed watch                                        

The camera had been reported to the supplier and concluded that it was working correctly. There are no patrols at present due to the weather and it getting dark so early. They should start again in February. 8 offenders were caught by Trucam in December.

RESOLVED Speedwatch patrols to start in February.


550. Walkable verges

Councillor Hare expressed concerns that the walkable verge alongside Sawyers field would result in the hedge dying off. Vehicles at present already go up on the verge so would a walkable verge be any safer?

The verge will be made of crushed concrete and will be owned by ECC and Highways.

RESOLVED Highways will need to liaise with MDC regarding the hedge – which is the responsibility of MDC.


551. Projects for the village

Councillor Hughes proposed a walking group (see item 554) & a Neighbourhood Watch scheme (see item 552)

Councillor Venton still looking into the costings for adult gym equipment; for which the village may be able to get a grant.



552. Neighbourhood watch

Councillor Hughes had tried to set up a group previously using WhatsApp, but it didn’t take off. The police would need one contact in the village to feed them information

RESOLVED Councillor Hughes to look into further in February.







553. Common land

The work on the common has not yet been started, due to bad weather. Councillor Siddall to go around with the tree planting people to see what is feasible for the positioning of the new trees, further trees for Sawyers Field.

RESOLVED Councillor Siddall to report back.


554. Village walking group

Councillor Hughes knows of a lady in Tolleshunt Major who has set up a walking group and will talk to her to get ideas.

Councillor Hughes to write a piece for the village magazine and Councillor Siddall to put it on the website.

RESOLVED Councillor Hughes to set up the village walking group and organize it.


555. Plaque updating

Councillor Siddall has not been able to do this yet.



556. Invoices presented for payment

LT Evangelical Church    hire of hall       £15.00 D. Brewer had asked that this amount could be increased. This was discussed and the amount of £20.00 was agreed from this month onwards, with Councillor Hughes proposing this and Councillor Siddall seconding it.

Autela                                payroll            £30.22


557. Correspondence

The Clerk read out an email she had received from MDC regarding an enforcement issue at New Farm. It was discussed and the Clerk is to reply to MDC suggesting they investigate further.

The Clerk reported she had done a VAT return for 01/01/2022 to 31/8/22 which amounted to £824.33

The Clerk had emailed all other correspondence to the councillors.


558. Update from District Councillor

There will be a plastic recycling trial at Totham and Great Braxted for film on lids, cling film etc., bags will be issued soon.

There is a 1.7 million grant available for projects around the district.

Rural grants are also available for outdoor play equipment etc. if the application is successful there will be 3 years in which to spend the money.

There was a vote of the full council last week to decide if the local planning committee could be disbanded – this was lost by one vote. There will be a further full council meeting this week to finish the business which was not discussed at the last meeting.

LDP - working group should start next week.



There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.20pm





                                                                           Signed by the Chairman





Spring clean
