Minutes of Meeting, Tuesday, 7th March 2023

Minutes of Meeting, Tuesday, 7th March 2023


The Parish Council met on Tuesday, 7th March in the Evangelical Hall, at 7.30pm



Chairman Siddall

Vice Chairman Lawrence


Councillors: T. Gritton, V. Hare, A. Philpott , S. Venton                                                  Parishioners: 2


573. Apologies for Absence: There were no absentees


574. To invite Councillors to declare an interest in matters on the Agenda. None were declared


575. Minutes 07/02/2023

          RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 7th March 2023 be approved and



576.  a) Planning applications

         There were no new planning application


         b) Planning decisions

         HOUSE/MAL/22/01248 Single storey rear extension. Pitvched roof over existing attached garage

         Seasons, School Road. MDC approved this application.


577. TCWG & Speed watch

Dates for speedwatch haves been set for 9th and 10th March.

2 drivers were caught speeding on the Tru Cam patrols.                                     



578. Spring clean/gardening


RESOLVED Ongoing, waiting to hear back from the tree people.


579. Projects for the village




580. Common land

The work on the common be done before March,



581. Elections

All Parish Councillors to fill in their nomination forms

RESOLVED The Parish Councillors to take their completed forms to Chairman Siddall and he will deliver them.


582. Plaque updating

Councillor Siddall has not been able to do this yet.




583. Invoices presented for payment


LT Evangelical Church    hire of hall                                  £20.00


584. Correspondence

Skipper’s had put in a quote for their services for the next 12 months. The new prices were unanimously agreed.


585. Update from District Councillor

There is a new corporate plan.

The budget has been set for the next 12 months. Financial planning was discussed and how to work with other authorities.

MDC is operating inefficiently at present. Policies need to be adhered to.

MDC is still looking at moving offices to save money.

We are now in the pre-election period so cannot promote any business during this period.



There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.05pm





                                                                           Signed by the Chairman




Interviews for a new Parish Clerk

Spring Clean