Minutes of Meeting, Tuesday, 6th December 2022

Minutes of Meeting, Tuesday, 6th December 2022


The Parish Council met on Tuesday, 6th December in the Evangelical Hall, at 7.30pm



Chairman Siddall

Vice Chairman Lawrence


Councillors: S. Venton, V. Hare,                                                   Parishioners: 1


533. Apologies for Absence: apologies were received from Councillors Philpott, Hughes and Gritton


534. To invite Councillors to declare an interest in matters on the Agenda. None were declared


535. Minutes 01/11/2022

          RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Parish Council and the Annual Parish Council meeting held

         on 1st November 2022 be approved and confirmed.


536.  a) Planning applications

           22/00958/FUL Construction of a detached dwelling with associated car parking, an access to the property

           and landscaping. Land south of White Gates, School Road

           The Parish Council objected to this application on the grounds of S1 – impact on the countryside, D1 –

         inappropriate design, outside the settlement and being an unsustainable development.


         b) Planning decisions

         There were no decisions from MDC.



537.    TCWG & Speed watch

The speedwatch team are having problems with the new speed gun, but are persevering.

The walkable verge has been approved for part of School Road, Sawyers Road to The Green.

A resident had contacted Chairman Siddall regarding a 20 mph speed limit for the village.

RESOLVED Speedwatch patrols to continue in the new year. Chairman Siddall to continue attempting to

get a 20 mph speed limit for the village. The council passed a motion to support 20 is plenty and that a 20 mph be implemented in the village.


538. Precept 2023/2024

Chairman Siddall proposed that, due to the cost of living crisis, the precept is not increased this year.

RESOLVED All present agreed.


539. Finances

The Clerk reported the bank balances.

RESOLVED The Clerk to submit a VAT return in the new year.


540. Projects for the village

The Councillors were asked by the Chairman if they had any ideas about what projects could be undertaken next year.

Sports equipment for adults was suggested.

RESOLVED Councillor Venton to look into what is available and get prices.






541. Common land

The work on the common has not yet been started, due to the large amounts of rain in the last few weeks.

The Parish Councillors thanked Peter Hare for the work he has done cutting the hedge on the village green and Councillor Venton for the work he has done around the pond.



542. Invoices presented for payment

LT Evangelical Church    hire of hall                                £15.00

Playdale                             balance for new equipment             £2043.94

Clerk’s wages                  3rd quarter                                       £548.20



543. Correspondence

The Clerk had emailed all correspondence to the councillors.


544. Update from District Councillor

The levelling up funding has been approved and will be received over the next 3 years. Most of this money will be spent on improving Hythe Quay.

LDP, at the meeting the 5 year housing land supply was discussed and now rural areas will not have to build as many new properties as previously recommended.

Maldon may take part in a trial of kerbside collections for soft plastics, such as clingfilm.

The Green Lane waste collection is still causing problems as it is not regularly collected.



There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.20pm





                                                                           Signed by the Chairman




Walkable verges

Neighbourhood watch

Village walking group

Plaque to be re-done.

Enforcement issue – Plains Road