Posted by Deleted User on

Can we have some information about how these sites store data to produce a Privacy Policy Statement?  Also is there any easy way to install a widget (?) like Cookie Control, so that we can comply with this new law?

2: Re: Cookie Law Compliance (response to 1)
Posted by Voice Admin on

I'll add a page which details cookie use and privacy policy, and link it from the footer of all sites. I believe this should cover us.

I will see how this new law pans out - I'm pretty much against having intrusive popups where people have to approve everything, but if its unavoidabile then I'll add one.


Voice Admin

3: Re: Cookie Law Compliance (response to 1)
Posted by Voice Admin on

I have added a Privacy and a Cookies page, and linked to these from page footers. It's my belief that these will both be useful to users as well as complying with the cookie law.

Voice Admin

4: Re: Cookie Law Compliance (response to 3)
Posted by Deleted User on


Just want to clarify please, is it the case that you're not intending to add a pop up to get website visitors to agree to cookies on Voice?



5: Re: Cookie Law Compliance (response to 4)
Posted by Voice Admin on

Correct - we have no plan to add a cookie popup. I don't believe they are necessary from a legal standpoint, and they're highly annoying to visitors.

There's a "Cookies" link in the footer of all pages, which is easy to find by anyone who is really concerned about what cookies we're setting in their browser.


Joe - Voice Admin