Posted by BrynM on

My includelet is shown in white but it will not drag


Posted by BrynM on

Just went back and went up a level and it now drags to trash.

Problem was I did not realise I was down a level. I thought I was editing at the home page level.

Will go back and try to think it through.



Posted by BrynM on

Tried to trash another includelet. This time it would only move to scratch but not trash.

Going round in circles today with trying to add things. using various includelets which I can then not delete. Very frustrating. will try again later.



Posted by Joe Oldak on

If you're able to pick up the includelet but it won't drop into the slot, ensure that before you let go of it that a red line has appeared in the slot, indicating that this is the position where it will drop.

For example, if you drop it like this it will jump back to the slot where you picked it up:

Includelet Drag Fail

But if you drop it like this it will land in the Trash slot:

Includelet Drag Success

Maybe this will help!?


Posted by Alan-Parry (Euphonix Admin). on

If I may I would like to add a postscript to the discussion.  Whilst I can add an Includelet on a page, and publish it, whilst working on my iPad I am them unable to delete (move the Includelet) to Trash. Yet I have no problem in doing this whilst using a PC.  If you are having problems is this caused by trying to do it on a tablet instead of a PC?