Posted by johnt on 20/07/22 21:47
Hi Liz
I think it’s because there’s no logo associated with your website. I tried putting your URL in Twitter and, indeed, no logo appears. Doing the same with mine (, a logo appears as there’s one in our website.
You can put your logo on your website in the 'Look & Feel' tab.
Hope this helps.
Posted by Joe Oldak on 21/07/22 09:24
Yes indeed, the reason is that your site doesn't have a logo configured.
As of quite recently Voice will try to add an appropriate picture to anything you share on social media. Currently it works like this:
- If you share a photo from the photo albums app it'll use the photo and description.
- If you share an event from the events calendar it'll use the image associated with the event.
- If you share a page it'll use the first Related Image (use the Relations tab in the CMS to associate an image with the page).
- If none of the above apply it'll use your site's logo, if you have one.
Joe - Voice Admin
Posted by Liz Batten on 25/07/22 16:25
Thanks Joe. I've added our logo as suggested, but I don't think it's showing up yet
Posted by Liz Batten on 25/07/22 16:24
Thanks John, I've added our logo but I'm not sure it's working!