Ford Village Board Game Club Meets

The Ford Village Hall Board Game Club - "Ford Meeples" finally met on Thursday September 19th at 7pm. For those not fully immersed in the hobby, a Meeple is a wooden figure that represents players in board games. There were local people as well as gamers who had travelled in from Tarbet all seeking a few hours of escapist fun. Andrea led a group of enthusiastic gents in becoming 1960s Formula 1 racing drivers in the modern classic - "Heat - Pedal to the Metal". (She won.) Steve enjoyed several rounds of "King of Tokyo" - a giant monster battling dice game then taught some trick taking in the card game "The Fox and the Forest". (For the record he roared to triumph in conquering Tokyo but was severely trounced in the card game, apparently Yasmin plays whist every lunchtime at work!) Other players battled it out in the classic Backgammon. The next Ford Meeples meeting is on Thursday 17th October. HOWEVER - there will be a Sherlock Holmes based night on Thursday October 3rd when we will all get together to try and solve a Holmesian Mystery. Don your deer stalker and join us from 7pm. Who knows there might even be an atmospheric Autumnal mist to add Victorian flavour. The game is afoot!
