"Ford Village: an ancient community looking to the future"

To contact us for enquiries or hall bookings - fordvillagehallargyll@gmail.com

What's on list for September at FVH




Click on this link to purchase lottery tickets that will support Ford Village Hall and other Argyll good causes.



Funding secured to begin essential repairs on the Ford Village Hall !


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Research has shown that when an individual contributes to their community their physical and mental health improves as well as their social wellbeing. Community decision making processes are most effective when individuals get involved. As a result their environments in the widest sense improve as well.

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Many of the photographs of Ford and it's locality on this website have been taken by Aileen Gillies. She sells her work to raise money for charity : https://www.aileengilliesphotography.co.uk/

Ford Village Hall Committee fully supports the Fair Work First Commitment. In seeking contractors to provide services to the Hall we will give priority to those who can demonstrate that they pay their employees a living wage regardless of gender, are commited to providing their employees with a workplace voice and skills training and avoid restrictive and unfair workforce practices such as zero hour contracts.

Contact Information

Village Hall

Ford Village Hall
PA31 8RJ
