Village Hall

Ford Village Hall is available to hire for £12 per hour.

The Village Hall is currently closed for redecoration - will reopen on July 27th.


February 2024:

The decision was taken by the Village Hall Committee at it's February meeting to temporarily close the Hall. This was due to issues with the Hall's electrics which meant that the Hall was unsafe and not insured. The committee then worked to reopen the Hall within 4 weeks.

March 2024:

  • Hall's electrics have been repaired.
  • Fire extinquishers have been checked and new fire blankets installed.
  • A basic clean of the kitchen, toilet and store areas has been completed.
  • Insurance for the building and land put in place.
  • Funding for further improvements have been sought with several grant applications made this month

June 2024:

The Hall underwent a major overhaul to get the building ready for redecoration due to start on June 17th. Volunteers joined with committee members for three consecutive weekends as part of ReJUNEvate. The grounds of the Hall were also given a much needed clear in order to make best use of the ample space the Hall sits in and to improve the physical appearance of thye landscape. New electric lighting and heating controls were also installed. The Hall will reopen on Gala Day - July 27th with a ribbon cutting ceremony. This will complete phase 1 of renovations.

July 2024:

Phase 1 of the Hall renovation is almost complete. Grand reopening will take place at 2pm on July 27th as part of the Gala Day.

It was also decided that the Hall would not charge a hire fee to clubs and groups operating under the FVH Committee umbrella* to use the Hall for their meetings. Instead we would seek donations.

*those groups that operate as part of the Village Community Action Plan.