Fabulous Funding News

As you maybe aware the Ford Village Community Action Plan (CAP) contains 4 themes to drive forward the work of the committee. The first theme is “Community”. Within this theme are 5 priorities. The first two priorities focus on the village hall and are: “A village hall fit for purpose” and “A decarbonised and modernised hall”. The full CAP can be accessed by following this link: https://e-voice.org.uk/fordvillageargyll/cap-2025-7/cap-2024-27-document/

A major goal for these two priorities is to insulate the hall’s walls and ceiling and to install a new air source heating and hot water system. This will provide the hall with a modern, green and more cost-effective heating system which also heats the hall instead of the outside surroundings!

We can now announce that significant funding; £24,500, has been secured by the committee from Foundation Scotland towards this goal. This is a huge achievement in the current funding and economic climate. The committee would like to thank Foundation Scotland on behalf of the whole village for their continued support.


However, before any work can be undertaken further funding needs to be gained. The heating system needs to be installed at the same time as the insulation. But having funding in place for half the project puts the hall in a much stronger position for successfully gaining this additional funding. Fingers crossed that by this time next year the hall will be even more toasty. In the mean-time why don’t you celebrate this good news by joining us for cocktails at the hall on Saturday 16th November at 7pm? One of the cocktails has been christened the Foundation Scotland Fizz to reflect their support. All funds raised will go towards keeping the heat and lights on this year!