Community Wood Project Clears First Hurdle

As you maybe aware the Torran Bay Hostel and  it's surrounding land has gone up for sale. A local Ford resident Eric Holden has been spearheading a project to look at the possibility of buying Lot 4 for the community. Lot 4 is land that stretches from opposite Stone View, Torran down along the Loch shore to Inviliever Island. Last year the village hall committee put an online survey on this website to gauge community support and interest in proceeding with this purchase. Of the 50 responses received -  48 were positive. Eric using the village hall as a charitable entity has enquired to the Scottish Land Fund as to whether they would pay for the purchase of Lot 4 as a community asset. Eric who has volunteered a huge amount of his time has managed to clear stage 1 of the SLF process. That means that the hall has received on his behalf funding to pay for a consultant to draw up a business plan, liability studies, independent evaluation and a clear vision for the proposed land. It is clear from the public consultation carried out to support the Community Action Plan that the local residents would like improved access to the shore of Loch Awe for walking, wild swimming, picnics, exercising their dog safely and for improving wildlife habitat. This is why the Ford Village Hall committee decided to work in partnership with Eric towards achieving these goals. The consultants are going to hold a drop in session for the public on Wednesday 5th February 4-7pm at the Hall. Current plans and thinking will be on display but most importantly it is an opportunity for you to have your say in how you think the land could be used. As usual refreshments will be available.
