Transparency Code for smaller authorities.

The Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 sets out a new audit framework for local public authorities which are currently covered by the Audit Commission system. Under the new framework, smaller authorities with an annual turnover not exceeding £25,000.00 will be exempt from a routine external audit. Instead of an audit, smaller authorities will be subject to the new transparency requirements laid down in the Code. This will enable local electors to access relevant information about their accounts and governance.

Widdington Village Asset Register - Updated March 2024

Year ending 31st March 2024

Audit 2023_24 External Auditors Report and Certificate

Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2023_24

Accounting Statement 2023-24

Annual Governance Statement 2023-24

Bank Reconciliation 23-24

Explanation of Variances 2023-24

Internal Audit 2023-24

Notice of Public Rights 2023_2024


Year ending 31st March 2023

2022/23 Notice of Conclusion of Audit

Audit 2022/23 External Auditors Report and Certficate

Annual Governance Statement 2022/23

Accounting Statement 2022/23

Internal Audit 2022/23

Notice of Public Rights 2022/2023

Bank Reconciliation 22/23

Explanation of Variances 2022/23


Year ending 31st March 2022

Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2021/22

Section 3 External Auditor Report and Certificate 2021/22

Internal Audit 2021/2022

Annual Governance Statement 2021/2022

2021_2022 Section 2 - Accounting Statement

2021/22 Bank Reconciliation

Analysis of Variance 2021/2022

Notice of Public Rights 2021/2022


Year ending 31st March 2021

2020/21 Section 1 Annual Governance Statement

2020/21 Section 2 Accounting Statements

2020/21 Bank Reconciliation

2020/21 Analysis of Variances

2020/21 Notice of Public Rights

2020/21 Internal Audit

2020/21 Notice of Conclusion Of Audit


Year ending 31st March 2020

19/20 Internal Audit WPC

19/20 Accounting Statements

19/20 Annual Governance Statement

2019/20 Bank reconciliation

2019/20 Analysis Of Variance

19/20 Notice of Public Rights

19/20 External Auditor Report

19/20 Notice of Conclusion of Audit


Year ending 31st March 2019

18/19 Expenditure> £100

2018/19 Certificate of Exemption

2018/19 Annual Governance Statement

2018/19 Accounting Statements

2018/19 Analysis of Variance

2018/19 Bank Reconciliation

2018/19 Internal Audit

2018/19 Notice for Period of Exercising Public Rights

2018/19 representation on external bodies



Year ending 31st March 2018

 Expenditure over £100 2017/18

Certificate of Exemption 2017/18

Annual Internal Audit Report 2017/18

Annual Governance Statement 2017/18

Accounting Statements 2017/18

Analysis of variances 2017/18

Bank reconciliation 2017/18

Notice of Period of Public Rights 2017/18


Year ending 31st March 2017

Expenditure over £100 2016/17

2016/17 bank reconciliation

2016/17 Annual Governance Statement

2016/17 Accounting Statements

2016/17 Statement of Variances

Internal Audit Report 2016/17

Notice of conclusion of Audit 2016/17

Councillor responsibilities

 Representation on external bodies 2016/17


Year ending 31st March 2016

Expenditure over £100 2015/16

2015/16 Bank Reconciliation

Annual Governance Statement 2015/16

2015/16 Accounting Statements

2015/16 Variances

2015/16 Internal Audit Report

Councillor responsibilities

Representation on external bodies 2015/16