Local Plan
The public consultation period for Regulation 19 of the Local Plan has been extended until Monday 14th October, 2024.  
Essex Police Rural Engagement Newsletter - The latest news from Essex Police (updated 02/09/2024)
Please find more information regarding the General Election via the following link:  https://www.uttlesford.gov.uk/general-election
Essex Police - Rural Engagement Newsletter
Springhill Speed Traffic Survey
As residents are aware Essex Highways recently undertook a Speed Traffic Survey on Springhill.  At this time it should be noted that Springhill potholes may have had a traffic calming effect.  Overall it shows that most residents drive close to the speed limit (30mph).  However, Cllr. Southcott highlights that the data shows a regular driver speeding in both directions at over 50mph and even 70mph that must be either a resident or regular visitor. 
Widdington Parish Council ask all residents to note that this is a 30mph zone for the safety of residents and road users.
With the data available WPC and Essex Highways will consider the next steps and what traffic calming measures can be put in place to deter unsafe driving.
New UDC Draft Local Plan
Widdington Parish Council have agreed and submitted a response to the new Draft Local Plan.  The document is available below.
Widdington Parish Council Judicial Review Outcome
Widdington Parish Council have successfully challenged Uttlesford Planning Committee decision and Uttlesford District Council at the judicial review. We have also been awarded recovery of costs from Uttlesford District Council. Please find attached the final judgement document.
Bridleway 14 -Diversion - June 2023
Notice of Elections 2023; Parish Councillors:
Please click on link to see the Notice of Elections for Parish Councillors, Thursday 4th May 2023.
Please note that in person voting requires photographic ID, more information can be found here.         
Notice of Elections 2023; District Councillors:
Please click on link to see the Notice of Elections for District Councillors, Thursday 4th May 2023. 
Please note that in person voting requires photographic ID, more information can be found here                        
New Ladies Cricket Team
Wenden and Audley End Cricket Club is looking to start a ladies section.
During the past century many of our local villages had ladies clubs (even small villages!) and regular ladies fixtures between villages were played each summer. While women’s cricket has made huge gains in many ways, since those days opportunities for ladies to play village cricket have actually declined enormously.
Voter ID Required for May 2023 Elections.
Anyone who does not have the appropriate photo voter ID can apply for a Voter Authority Certificate (VAC) - this is free and link to the form is available via the link below.  The Uttlesford Local Elections Website also has links to what type ID will be accepted.  Please share this information with any residents who may not use Websites, E-mail or Social Media.
This video also explains the changes.
Widdington Winter Support Network
Widdington Winter Support Notice 2022 
The parish council alongside other community groups are trying to assess the need for support this winter in Widdington. If you know of friends, family, neighbours who may struggle during power cuts or with keeping warm during the day please can you contact the parish clerk or a councillor* (email clerk.widdington.pc@gmail.com) with some information of who is in need and their concerns.
We are trying to assess how the village as a whole can help in the most effective way. It will also allow us to know if some residents may need to be directed towards more help than can be provided by the local community.
If you would be interested in helping locally please contact us.
* Councillors - Ian Southcott, Chris Firmin, Maggs Webb, Teresa Petchey, Albert Edwards and Steve Smith.
Vacancy Debden Parish Clerk & RFO
Debden Parish Council have a vacancy for Parish Clerk and RFO. Please follow the link below for more information.
National Moment of Reflection Sunday 8pm (18/09/2022)
Because at 8pm it is now dark, Widdington Parish Council are not organising a village moment of reflection. Please feel free to gather with your neighbours and friends.
Here is some guidance we have received if you do want to organise a small, personal gathering.
A Moment of Reflection on the Eve of the Funeral of Her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

By 19.55 invited neighbours will gather at your location.
At 19.58 you may choose to say:

Thank you for gathering here this evening, for this brief vigil
on the eve of the funeral of Her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
In a few moments we will join with people across the United
Kingdom in a Moment of Silent Reflection. The start and end of
the Minute here will be marked by xxxxx. During the Minute
we will have an opportunity, in silence, to reflect on the lifetime
of service which Her late Majesty devoted to the United Kingdom,
the Realms and Territories and to the Commonwealth.
The Queen was sure in her faith and steadfast in her duty,
bringing constancy through 70 years of change. We will
remember Her late Majesty with affection and gratitude and
silently give thanks in our hearts for her unswerving devotion to
us and to our Country.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is now approaching 8.00 p.m.

At 20.00 a xxxxx sounds
Silence will be kept

At 20.01 xxxxx marks the end of the Silence
(xxxxx you choose how to signal beginning & end of minute of silence.)
Notice of upcoming works in the Widdington (14/09/2022)
19th September - A resident has scheduled work on an oak tree near the playpark. They apologise for it happening on the day of the Queen's funeral but it is a large job and has been booked for a number of months. Part of the playground will be cordoned off throughout the day to ensure safety of park users.
Cherry Tree - near bench on village green - this is waiting to be felled, the Parish Council have had a tree specialist check the tree's health and it does need to be felled. There is a plan for a replacement tree once the tree is felled. More news will be published when the date is confirmed (paper work currently with UDC).
Play park - the basket swing will be removed as per the latest RoSPA report. We have had a few volunteers for a committee to consider playground equipment etc.. but more would be appreciated.




Update on Accession Proclamation:, Sunday 11th September, 2022

 1pm High Sheriff will read the Proclamation at County Hall

 2pm Proclamation will be read at Uttlesford District Council offices, London Road, Saffron Walden. By the Chair of the Council, Councillor Heather Asker

 4pm Proclamation will be read by Chair of Widdington Parish Council, Councillor Ian Southcott, Widdington Village Green (near the Widdington sign)



Queen official photograph

21st April 1926 to 8th September 2022


Widdington Parish Council offers its condolences upon the death of Her Majesty the Queen and the Parish Council Chairman offers the following thoughts .


Widdington Parish Council is greatly saddened by the passing of our late Sovereign, her majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second. Our sorrow at this time is shared by people across the globe, as we remember with affection and gratitude the lifetime of service given by our longest serving Monarch. That service was an inspiration to many and an example to us all.


If members of the public wish to lay flowers the designated site within the Parish on the Village Green along the bank opposite the pump or in the church entrance way.


If residents wish to sign a book of condolence then they may attend Uttlesford District Council at the London Road offices, Saffron Walden.  That reception area will remain open through lunchtimes and on Wednesday. Saffron Walden Town Council will be hosting a book of condolences, which will be available in the Town Hall from Friday 9th September for the public to sign and express their condolences. Access is through the front doors of the Town Hall, Saffron Walden, alongside the Market Square, which will be open Monday-Friday 9am-4pm only or you may sign the online book at www.royal.uk .

Welcome to Widdington Parish Council Website - providing local information and notices and minutes of Parish Council Meetings.

Uttlesford District Council's Parish Briefing.
Please find below the link to the Uttlesford District Council Parish Briefing, bulletin circulated 25th January 2022
Reference the ongoing works on North Hall Road.
Widdington Parish Council have received the following information from Councillor Ray Gooding (Essex County Council, Stansted Ward). 
"I am awaiting the latest update at the moment but I can confirm that the groundwork survey has now been completed and the detailed design including the major structural elements of the project are completed. The work is being programmed but this is proving difficult because much of the work has to be carried out from the bed of the river and whilst the river levels are currently lower than normal the contractor does need some certainty that adverse weather conditions do not effect this so the timing of that element is critical."


Advert for New Councillor Jan2022 


New Clerk Advert

New Clerk Job Description


Stephensons Bus Timetable Update

Stephensons have been in touch and provided an updated bus timetable due to a current driver shortage;

Stephensons Bus Timetable


Elections - 6 May 2021 - Notices of Election




Advert for new Councillors


 Census 2021 is Coming

 Census 2021 editorial

Census poster


National Planning Press Report

Loss of ordinary countryside to provide much-needed housing rejected

3 February 2020

A scheme for ten open market houses and ten affordable homes in the countryside outside an Essex village was rejected by an inspector despite a housing shortfall making inevitable a breach of existing settlement boundaries.

The site comprised a field outside the settlement boundary which, in the inspector’s opinion, formed an intrinsic part of the rural setting of the village and where development would encroach with significant landscape effect, harming the character and appearance of the area. He accepted that greenfield sites beyond settlement boundaries would need to be developed to provide sufficient housing land but considered that conflict with not fully up-to-date local policies protecting ordinary countryside without valued landscape status still weighed significantly against the proposal. The inspector referred to caselaw as establishing that parts of the countryside that are not subject to a statutory landscape designation, nevertheless come within the scope of NPPF paragraph 170 (b) and development failing to recognise the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside fails the environmental dimension of sustainable development.

Development of the site would also intrude into the setting of a number of listed buildings and a conservation area, although the inspector judged the extent of heritage harm would in fact be marginally outweighed by the public benefit of housing. Turning to the final tilted balance in his decision, the inspector concluded, adding heritage harm to harm to the character and appearance of the area and the environmental impact of a location that would encourage car travel, that together these matters outweighed the housing and other benefits of the scheme and he dismissed the appeal.

Inspector: Richard Aston; Hearing


Planning 7.2.20


Please note the  intended closure of Crabtree Hill, due to commence on 8th March 2020 for 4 days.   



2020 Litter Pick

The Litter Pick date was agreed as Sunday 2nd February, 10am meet at the Village Hall. All welcome.


 Burns Lunch

Following the lack of availability of the chefs, and as the Council, despite making several enquiries,  has been unable to find an available alternative chef, it was agreed that the Burns Night Lunch will not go ahead, and that the budget for the event will be used to help fund a whole community event on 21st March, 2020, as part of the Village Hall 20 year celebration


Gigaclear Update

I have been contacted by a few residents concerned by the works on Cornells Lane.
The Parish Council have not been notified of these works.
I have rung Gigaclear (01865 591131) and requested a timetable for their works and they have confirmed that they will be installing fibre-optic cable in;
Mole Hall Lane 5th-11th Feb (340m duct in verge, 110m duct in carriageway)
Cornells Lane 5th-18th Feb (2000m duct in verge, 30m duct in footway and 500m duct in carriageway)
Hollow Road 19th Feb-25th Feb
Church Lane 19th Feb- 4th March
They say they have all necessary permissions from ECC.
Gigaclear say that although the roadworks may cause delays they always endeavour to maintain resident and emergency access to properties.
Gigaclear say that Wood End and the High Street are not  timetabled in the immediate future, although I note both are detailed as forward planned for installation 1st June 2018- 30th April 2019.
All the information above is detailed on the public access site roadworks.org and may well be useful for residents to keep up to speed with what is happening.



2019 Litter Pick 

Please join us on Sunday 3rd February, meeting at the Village Hall at 11am to tidy up Widdington!

Bags and pickers will be provided.


Essex County Council are consulting on their 5 year strategy for future library services in Essex. The survey will be open 29/11/18-20/02/19



There shall be an Extra-Ordinary Meeting at 7.30pm on Thursday 3rd January 2019 at 7.30pm in Widdington Village Hall to discuss the closure of the play park. All welcome.

The normal January Parish Council Meeting will commence at 8pm.

Christmas Bin Collections 

The July Parish Council meeting scheduled for Thursday 12th July is CANCELLED.

The rescheduled meeting will take place on Wednesday 18th July at 8pm 



Could you help?

Are you at the park regularly? 

We need a volunteer to keep an eye on our play park, report issues, undertake minor repairs and maintenance, and engage with the Parish Council.

Training is available.

Please contact the Parish Clerk amandallindsell@hotmail.co.uk or 01799 542569



Please join us at 10am this Sunday 25th February at Widdington Village Hall as we set off on our annual litter pick.


abandoned and burnt out 1 

This burnt out trailer and it`s contents strewn around Hollow Road just past the entrance to Widdington Tip have been reported to

 Uttleford Enforcement Team.

The Telephone Box -  volunteers needed

Widdington Parish Council has the opportunity to take over ownership of the box, but we are already very short of councillors and do not have the time to take on this task as well.

Would you like to transfer the box to a library, a swap shop, or something original. The Parish Council could provide funds if you could volunteer to take responsibility for this project.

Please get in touch if you feel you could help.


The following road closures in Widdington have been announced by ECC;

Church Lane - for 1 day 23/02/18

Cornells Lane - for 1 day 26/02/18

Wood End Cut - for 1 day 08/03/18

Mole Hall Lane - for 1 day 09/03/18

These closures are required for the safety of the public and workforce whilst ECC undertakes Phase 1 of surface dressing works.



The Parish Council have for many years organised a hugely successful and enjoyable annual social event, which in recent years has taken the form of  Burns Lunch by special invitation.

We would very much like to continue this tradition and provide a fantastic event for local residents, but we are currently low on councillors and really need your help.

Could you join a small sub-committee, alongside councillors to help make it happen?

We would really like to hear from you, please do get in touch.



Public Consultation on Proposed Changes to the Mobile Library Service

19th September - 6th November

Essex County Council are currently consulting over how to create  a new library service which better fits with people`s lives. Find out about the proposals and complete the survey online at libraries.essex.gov.uk



Temporary Traffic Regulation Order of Widdington Road

The intended closure of Widdington Road is due to commence on 17th April for 5 days. The closure is required for the safety of the public and workforce whilst Essex County Council undertakes carriageway patching.


Police and Crime Commissioner Public Consultation

The people of Essex are being urged to have their say, in the potential change in the way Essex Police and Essex County Fire & Rescue Service is governed, through a 12 week consultation that starts today (Thursday 16th February) and ends on Wednesday 10th May.

The new Policing and Crime Act 2017 offers the opportunity to transform local fire and rescue governance, enabling police and crime commissioners to become the fire and rescue authority where a strong local case is made. The Government has also created a statutory duty to collaborate.

Police and Crime Commissioner Roger Hirst said: “Together we have developed a local case for Essex to strengthen our emergency services, improve joint working and deliver significant savings. We have an opportunity to share knowledge; back office services; make better use of estates, and help protect vulnerable people in joined-up ways. The resources freed up by this would be reinvested in front line services and enable both emergency services to better protect the people of Essex.”

This new duty requires emergency services to keep collaboration opportunities under review and to take on collaboration opportunities where it would be in the interests of efficiency and effectiveness to do so.

To give your views, please visit www.essex.pcc.police.uk/LocalCaseForChange or contact the Office of Police Crime Commissioner by emailing consultation@essex.pnn.police.uk .

Resignation of Cathie Southcott

Widdington Parish Council are sad to announce the resignation of Chairman Cathie Southcott from the Parish Council and thank Cathie for  her years of dedication and hard work. Below is the link to the notice advertising the vacancy that Cathie`s departure creates on the Parish Council. If you are interested in joining the Parish Council or would like more information about being a councillor please contact any member of the council or the clerk. We look forward to hearing from you.

 Notice of vacancy

 Replacement Waste Local Plan Modifications Consultation

5th Jan-16th Feb 2017

View the documents online at www.essex.gov.uk/WLP and www.southend.gov.uk/wastelocalplan

Responses can be made; online using the consultation portal http://consult.essexcc.gov.uk

by emailing mineralsandwastepolicy@essex.gov.uk

or in writing to Minerals and Waste Planning, Planning and Environment, Essex County Council, Freepost CL3636, E3 County Hall, Chelmsford, CM1 1XZ


Parking on the High Street

At the January meeting of the Parish Council  concerns were raised over the plethora of cars parked on the High Street, on occasion causing difficulty for the buses to pass. The Parish Council would like to thank those residents who continue to park considerately and would like to remind residents that there is adequate parking available in the Hamel Way car park, particularly handy for those with rear access to their properties.



litter pick 

Many thanks to the 15 volunteers who turned out on a very pleasant Sunday morning to clean up our village.

We collected 43 bags of assorted rubbish, 3 old tyres, 2 shock absorbers, a washing machine door and a pedestal fan.

A big thanks to Phil Mullenger for driving around in his truck and picking up all of the bags and delivering them to the Village Hall and also for taking the assorted rubbish to the tip.



Sunday 8th January, 2017

10am meet at the Village Hall

Please come along and help tidy up our village.


Public Notice

Essex County Council ( Debden Road, Newport) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2017

Notice is given that Essex County Council intends to make the above order under section 12(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

Effect of the order; To temporarily close that length of Debden Road, in the parish of Newport in the District of Uttlesford from it`s junction with High Street for a distance of approximately 35metres east.

The closure is scheduled for commencement on 15th january 2017 for one day. The closure is required for the safety of the public and workforce while manhole cover closures are undertaken.



Bus Service Consultation

Bus users have less than a month left to share their views on proposed changes to bus services in Essex;

Bus Service Consultation

Bus Service Consultation 2



Recycling Centre Press Release 19/08/16

Please click on the document below regarding ECC`s crackdown on illegal waste at recycling centres.

Recycling Centre Press release


Widdington  Post Office Temporary Closure

Wednesday 12th September

I have today received a letter from the Post Office, informing me that following the retirement of the Postmaster, the Widdington branch will be closing temporarily at midday on Wed 12th September. They are investigating options to reinstate a service but may establish an alternative  type of service. Any questions or comments can be addressed to  Philippa Newey ( Field Change Advisor) at  comments@postoffice.co.uk or 03457 223344.


Network Rail Level Crossing Reduction Strategy

Network Rail are consulting on closing pedestrian crossings across the region. The
first round of public consultation is in progress and input from the public on the 
crossings in our area is due by July 15th.
Crossing E08 - Henham is deemed to be in Widdington parish - it is a stop, look and listen crossing and will be closed under the proposal and a new footpath will be  created to divert users to the existing underpass to cross beneath the railway.

 Details of this crossing can be found at; http://www.networkrail.co.uk/browse%20documents/consultation%20documents/anglia%20level%20crossings/essex%20and%20others/newport/anglia%20level%20crossings%20-%20round%201%20consultation%20-%20e08%20-%20henham%20-%20cb11%203xp.pdf

The response survey is at: https://consultations.networkrail.co.uk/anglia-level-crossing-closures/anglia-level-crossings




ECC and Southend on Sea BC Joint Replacement Waste Local Plan is publically engaging until 14 April.

L(I)17R - Newport Quarry
W8 - Elsenham
They would prefer online responses
or download  the response form pre-submission form

which can be printed and sent to;
Minerals and Waste Planning (RWLP), Planning and Environment, Essex County Council, Freepost CL 3636, E3 County Hall, Chelmsford, CM1 1XZ.
or emailed to;



Widdington Parish Council are holding an Extra-Ordinary General Meeting at 8pm on Wednesday 30th March in Widdington Village Hall

To consider and agree the comments to be returned to Uttlesford District Council regarding the following planning application:


UTT/15/3777/FUL - Mole Hall, Widdington


Demolition of existing glasshouse and erection of building for use as a children's play barn



Important Changes to the Local Bus Service Network in Essex from 10th April 2016

 From the 10th April 2016 there will be important changes to many of the routes, timetables and service numbers of bus services in Essex. 

 Passengers, particularly those using the bus to go to school or work, are strongly recommended to check for the revisions using the National Traveline Service, available at: www.travelinesoutheast.org.uk shortly before undertaking their journey, so that they are aware of any changes that have been made.

 The majority of dedicated school contract services, which are not open for use by the general public will not be affected. 



Changes to bin collection times from 25 Nov 2015

Uttlesford District Council is advising residents that they may see a change in the collection times of their bins from next week. However, their collection day will remain unchanged.

The council is moving its transfer station activity to a new, purpose-built facility in Great Dunmow from Tuesday, 1 December – this is where bin crews take recycling, food waste and black bin waste before it is sent on for re-processing. 

As a result of the move, rounds are likely to be altered. This means some residents will have their bins emptied earlier in the day than they do at present, and some residents will find their bins emptied later in the day.

All residents are reminded that bins must be left at the boundary of their property by no later than 7am on the day of collection. Failure to do so could result in their bins being missed.

This does not impact on the green waste subscription service.