October gave a party;
The leaves by hundreds came –
The Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples,
And leaves of every name. The Sunshine spread a carpet,
And everything was grand,
Miss Weather led the dancing, Professor Wind the band
George Cooper, ‘October’s Party’
October 2019
Dear member,
Meeting held 26th September
Alison Marsden bravely travelled from her home in Tunbridge Wells to talk to us on how to improve our front gardens, admitting she had spent a few hours dodging the showers at RHS Wisley; but what better way to have a break from that dreary M25.
Her talk began by questioning the differences between back & front gardens bearing in mind, how the garden was used and by whom. Her first slide was of her own garden which she and her husband had dug up after they moved in. Later she showed us the before and after pictures of the same place – but oh how different it looked. This was also illustrated by a picture of a house, any house, in a street, any street that accommodated ‘the car’! With some imagination and some pop-up pictures, she transformed the bland paved plot into a garden with aspect, focal point, and colour – all clever stuff. She told us to grow what we liked but to consider, size, shape and interest according to the size of the garden, the shape & style of the house so that the two worked in harmony. There were slides of plants for all seasons and colour schemes too. A very interesting talk and one that could be expanded. Ron gave the vote of thanks and Alison, with help from Eileen, judged the very good competitions.
Special classes
5 stems of mixed annuals: Jose 5 (zinnias, mallow, geranium) and/or 3 stems of dahlia Stella 7
5 tomatoes with calyx (any variety) N/A and/or Any three vegetables one of each kind Jose 7 (bean, onion, potato)
Other classes
Cut flowers: Barbara 6 (nasturtiums): Jose 8 (rudbeckia): Stella 7 (chrysanthemums)
Fruit Jose 9 (hazel nuts)
Pot Plants Barbara 9 (begonia rex): Jose 5 (succulent): Margaret 6 (money plant)
Veg Jose 6 (onions x 3): Margaret 9 (peppers)
Nominations are now needed for next year’s committee. Posts include chairman, speaker’s secretary, & treasurer. Please consider putting forward your name (or that of someone else with their permission).
*** Meeting to be held on Thursday 31st October 2019 ***
Just Divine by Keith Harmon
Monthly Classes:
3 stems of berried shrub (same variety)
3 apples of the same variety
Floral Art ‘A Box of Delights’ - NPM
The usual cut flowers, pot plants, fruit & veg
TVHS Programme 2019
Oct 31 Just Divine Keith Harmon
Nov 28 Best of Hampshire Gardens Tom Stone
Dec 12 AGM & Christmas Buffet Member’s Evening
Monthly Competitions 2019
Oct: 3 stems of berried shrub (same variety)
3 apples of the same variety
Floral Art ‘A Box of Delights’ - NPM
Nov: 3 mixed sprays of decorative foliage—different varieties:
A flowering houseplant: