January 2020
The frozen leaves lie on the ground, in patterns they are glistening There is no wind blowing around; The leaves remain just listening. J. Green December 2019
Dear member,
AGM & Christmas Buffet held on December 12th, 2019
Dismal weather but a hall full of joy when we held our annual Christmas celebration last Thursday. Many thanks to all those who came along.
Present: With apologies from Joy, Meng, Roger & Elizabeth I welcomed 15 members & 2 guests. This was followed by the reading of minutes & matters arising from the 2018 AGM. Our president Ken once again gave a lovely speech, which was followed by my report including input from key committee holders and ending with an encouraging financial report.
Presentation of cups – Monthly Competitions
Zillah's trophy for most points in floral art: Jose Green 23, Runner up Stella 8pts
Merriman Cup for most points excluding floral art: Jose 171pts; Runner up Margaret 139pts.
Everyone donated very generously towards the buffet which was much appreciated. Eileen held a very difficult gardening quiz for us which was won by Margaret, and this was followed by our raffle consisting of wrapped prizes. Thank you one and all.
Membership remains at £10 p.a. please re-enrol, bring a friend, and support the society in a year when we will be planning for our 75th Anniversary in 2021.
Once again, we will be holding a plant sale on a designated Saturday afternoon in May, so get sowing. More information on the 2020 programme available on our website e-voice.org.uk/tvhs/ or surreycommunity.info/tvhs/ and also at the January meeting.
*** Meeting to be held on Thursday 30th January 2020 ***
Members’ Re-enrolment evening with slides
please bring a max of 10 for use with the carousel or digital projector
A New year Quiz
Monthly Competitions
1. 3 mixed/unmixed stems of early spring flowers e.g. aconites, crested iris, hellebores or snowdrops
2. 3 stems of winter flowering shrub 3. ‘Winter Mixture’ (Floral Art - NPM)
I trust you all had a very Merry Christmas and I wish you a Happy New Year,