Neighbourhood Watch



Duntisbourne Neighbourhood Watch [DNW] embraces the villages of Duntisbourne Abbots, Duntisbourne Leer, Middle Duntisbourne and Duntisbourne Rouse. These villages accompany the River Dunt as it flows towards Daglingworth and on to Cirencester.


Regular messages from Gloucestershire and Cirencester Police; Action Fraud; Community Alerts and updates on current frauds and scams. Advice on spotting and combating frauds and scams is frequent as is advice on home security.


Whilst these are the primary messages our DNW has ‘morphed’ into many varied local messages; from Sunday service schedules; lost dogs, cats, and other species; lost glasses, keys and other items plus warnings of local road closures. Regular updates on ‘film nights’ with DAMPS [venue Duntisbourne Village hall], Daglingworth Village Hall, concerts at Syde and reminders of local events.

If you are not as yet a member of The Duntisbourne Neighbourhood Watch Group please consider joining. Simply email duntisbournewatch@gmail and request to join.

Thank you,


July 2023


Action Fraud

Action Fraud is the UK’s national reporting centre for fraud and cybercrime where you should report fraud if you have been scammed, defrauded or experienced cybercrime in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The Action Fraud Website provides important advice and guidance relating to fraud and cybercrime including current threats, action you can take to protect yourself as well as how to report fraud and cybercrime.

Telephone and Email Scams

Action Fraud report that there has been a general increase in telephone and email scams which are becoming more sophisticated.  Specifically Action Fraud has received reports of Covid-19 related scams - the majority appear to relate to the online sale of protective items such as facemasks and other items in short supply due to the outbreak but which do not exist.  Further details of Coronavirus Fraud Reports have been provided by Action Fraud with additional information relating to the nature of the threat and actions which individuals can take to protect themelves.

MeasuresTo Hep Keep You Safe

Several simple measures to help keep you safe include:

  • Never give out any information to anyone who has phoned into you or contacted by email or click on any contact in an email to you.
  • Only give information out to someone where you have initiated the contact.
  • If someone phones which you suspect to be a scam, put the phone down for at least 5 minutes. [This is part of a future ‘Take 5’ initiative to reduce phone scams nationally!] as you could still be speaking to the original person. Then either phone a relative or friend [ensure you have a dialling tone], or phone from another source e.g. mobile; or, If a company, look up their registered phone number [e.g. customer support] and ring that. It is unlikely a fraudulent or scam source will stay on line for longer than 5 minutes.
  • If possible report any incidence like this to Action Fraud by email or use another phone such as a mobile. Gloucestershire police are happy to log these incidents and will give you an incident number.

 Note: this list is NOT definitive nor exhastive!

Report Fraud and Cybercrime

You can report fraud or cybercrime using the Action Fraud online reporting service any time of the day or night; the service enables you to both report a fraud and find help and support. Action Fraud also provides help and advice over the phone through the Action Fraud contact centre. You can talk to Action Fraud cybercrime and fraud specialists by calling 0300 123 2040.

When you report to Action Fraud you will receive a police crime reference number. Reports taken are passed to the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau. Action Fraud does not investigate the cases and cannot advise you on the progress of a case.

Home Security

If you would like further home security advice or a Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) visit to assess your property home security then please send an email to to discuss your requirement with our local policing team.