
Their be many major flaws with all food-banks i have had experience with and the bible teaches us about helping the hungry and helping the homeless etcetera.

List of just a few of those flaws

Even in the same town yet not in the same [ward] you not in their catchment area, only three [3] food parcels of three [3] days worth of food too last two [2] months as maximum allowed is three [3] food parcels in any six [6] month period, see list of items further in this post.

They need you too go to your GP, police, citizens advice or other permitted agency to apply for a food voucher and wait  twenty-four [24] hours or more [often having to go an entire weekend] for mankind to approve or not approve.

Maximum food-vouchers allowed are three [3] food parcels in any six [6] month period, most are only open on specific days and times some only one [1] day a week for two [2] hours

My moral and spiritual belief is there are solutions, and that is why i am appealing to your good-selves for help in to get this off the ground whereby all proceeds donations etcetera will be going to those in need.

This is why i am starting a global pay-it-forward, so that the need can be tailored to each individual or family as required, for;
prima facie exemplar:

  • food
  • shelter
  • bedding
  • camping cooking equipment
  • clothing
  • phone costs
  • land
  • caravans, and much more

Thereby if you can help with any of the above no matter how small it will always be appreciated from the very depths of my heart.

I seek land owners who have spare pockets of land they do not use where we can work together to start communities of homeless whereby they can be safe, feel safe and regain their self worth by growing their own food and learn to be more self-sustainable as many cannot get brick-and-motor homes due to the fact they would have to give up their canine companions, in other words give up their family members.

As mentioned here is the list of items from two [2] food-banks that has to last the equivalent of two [2] months

Food-bank one [1] to last two [2] months as only three hampers in any six [6] months

1 6x packet of crisps
1 box of cereal
1 750ml squash
1 pack of biscuits
1 6x mince pies
1 500g sweet and sour sauce
1 x tin of fruit
1 x 1kg rice
1 tin baked beans
1 x tin chicken soup
1 x 30 tea bags
1 x 100g sugar
1 tin of peas
1 tin spaghetti hoops
1 tin hot dogs
1 tin plum tomatoes
1 tin tuna chunks
1 small tin carrots
extra personal items
1 x toilet roll

Food-bank two [2] issue a one off emergency as not in their catchment area after folk have to say they are desperate
1 tin plum tomatoes
1 tin meatballs
1 tin minestrone soup
1 tin tuna chunks
1 x 100g coffee
1 small tin garden peas
1 x 4 burger buns
1 tin baked beans
1 chirizo ring
5 mars bars
1 x 7 bliny pancakes
1 huel complete protein bar
1 pack 80g instant mash
1 chicken and mushroom pot noodle
1 x 1 chicken and mushroom packet soup
1 x 100g rice
2 x 100g oats
2 packets salt and vinegar crisps
Extra personal items
1 pack 10 hand hygiene wipes


Even churches follow suit whereby they follow the same criteria as above, which falls foul of their biblical teachings see 15 Inspiring Bible Verses About Feeding The Hungry [opens in a new window].

Remember Jesus originally known by iesus [before the fifteen-hundreds when the letter "J" was invented] [opens in a new window] fed the five-thousand [5000] including those that were non-true followers or believers.

I am sure you are as disgusted as i am by these facts.

This is why collectively we bridge these gaps and make sure no-one goes without food, water, clothes and roofs over their head no-matter who they are or their background.