


Gaining back your power.

Navigating and interpreting both Legal-Lawful systems.

How not to get screwed by the system.

How to [re][pre]sent yourself in court, the proper way.

How to handle the police and court-personnel.

What to do when you are genuinely falsely accused of crimes you did non say nor commit.

How you must be treated v's the reality of how they treat you, and how to handle the situations[s] as the/y rise.

What to do when they cannot find your name and or change the venue at last minute without telling you of the changes.

What to do when the courts claim a no-show even though you attended the court your agreed to going to.

What to do if you are wrongly convicted or forced/coerced into confessing/pleading-guilty for crimes and wrongdoing you have not been involved in.

and much, much more;

Talks can be two [2] thru four [4] hours long and may sometimes run over.

 Q and A's will typically be at the end, and sometimes during the talk.

 All talks, venues and environment, must, with non-exception, be family friendly.

It be advisable for you to check with the venue of choice and see, if they offer/have and let prospective attendees know in advance ;


Disabled access and facilities.

Parking spaces.

Easy access by public transport.







These talks are not a get out of jail free card, for those who commit-crimes or wrongdoings or are about to commit-crimes or wrongdoings.

Remember a non-fair-and-just, Act/Statute, Rule, Policy, Law, Direction, Instruction, Order, etcetera, that only benefit a few, is no, Rule, Policy, Law, Direction, Instruction, Order etcetera.

Even at military level, non-fair-and-just, Act/Statute, Rule, Policy, Law, Direction, Instruction, Order, etcetera, can and must be challenged, in the correct manner.