Minutes of Meeting, Tuesday, 7th February 2023

Minutes of Meeting, Tuesday, 7th February 2023


The Parish Council met on Tuesday, 7th February in the Evangelical Hall, at 7.30pm



Chairman Siddall

Vice Chairman Lawrence


Councillors: T. Gritton, V. Hare, A. Philpott , S. Venton                                                  Parishioners: 4


559. Apologies for Absence: apologies were received from Councillor Hughes


560. To invite Councillors to declare an interest in matters on the Agenda. None were declared


561. Minutes 07/01/2023

          RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 7th January 2023 be approved and



562.  a) Planning applications

         There were no new planning application


         b) Planning decisions

         There were no decisions from MDC.


           c) Planning appeals

           22/00612/AGR Land on south side, Park Wood Lane.

           The Parish Council had no comment to make on this appeal.



563. TCWG & Speed watch

There were no patrols in February.                                        

RESOLVED Speedwatch patrols to start in March.


564. Spring clean/gardening

The new bulbs have now been planted. Thanks go to Dean James for his work. Chairman Siddall has now written to the people responsible for the new trees, as he did not hear from them in the last month. Where to plant the new trees was discussed – possibly on the little common.

RESOLVED Ongoing, waiting to hear back from the tree people.


565. Projects for the village

Councillor Hughes was unable to attend the meeting so no update.

Councillor Venton still looking into the costings for adult gym equipment; for which the village may be able to get a grant. The village sign is to be replaced.



566. Common land

The work on the common should start soon – as it has to be done before March, as it is not allowed to do hedge work when birds are nesting.





567. Coronation

The Parish Council agreed that if the villagers wanted a celebration on the village green it should go ahead. Also the

Annual fete and car show.

RESOLVED Relevant parties to be advised.


568. Elections

All Parish Councillors to fill in their nomination forms by the 4th April and deliver to Maldon District Council offices.

RESOLVED The Parish Councillors to take their completed forms to Chairman Siddall and he will deliver them.


569. Plaque updating

Councillor Siddall has not been able to do this yet.



570. Invoices presented for payment


LT Evangelical Church    hire of hall                                  £20.00

MDC                               Trucam Oct – Dec 22                 £129.38

Skippers                           Grass cutting Nov to Jan 23       £306.00


571. Correspondence

The Clerk read out an email she had received from MDC regarding training for the new Code of Conduct.

The Chairman reported on a resident turning up at his house and complaining about the walkable verge proposal.

The Clerk had emailed all other correspondence to the councillors.


572. Update from District Councillor

The soft plastic recycling bags have been delivered to Little Totham, as part of the 1 year trial, but some roads or houses have been missed.

Chairman Siddall to report this to MDC.

Budget setting has been taking place at MDC, with a 3% increase likely.

The 5 year land supply has now reached its target.

The corporate plan is at a high level. After the elections in May it will be formalised.

Maldon District Independent Party is now an official party.



There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.08pm





                                                                           Signed by the Chairman




No items were put forward.