I am trying to add a paragraph of introductory text to our home page as an overlay to a background image. Rather than add the text to image (less dynamic with scree sizing) I wanted to do it with the Background includelets and a custom content includelet. But if I use the Heading format of text it obviously takes the colour settings from the theme (blue in my case). But I would like to force this to be white so it is more readable. Is there a way of changing the colour for the 'heading' or force a larger font for the standard 'paragraph' font whilst using the custom content includelet?

Posted by Joe Oldak on

You can change the colours using the wysiwyg in the custom include I think? I would have expected this to override any theme colours though may be mistaken!

Also in the Background Begin includelet there are some options for overriding Text and Header colours.

You might also find that if you want Ultimate Control over exactly what is shown over the image, you could use the Raw HTML includelet rather than Custom Content.



Posted by Men in Sheds Winslow on

Thanks, I should have looked at the 'Edit' Menu in the WYSIWYG Editor sorry.