Posted by GrahamShort on

Joe, there was a couple of things that we talked about at the last but one zoom call that I would still find useful, if they are still on your list

  1. Being able to name carousel/accordian includelets which would make inserting into a long list of similar includelets much easier. 
  2. Adding to the content item metadata includelet a last updated field.



Posted by Joe Oldak on

I've added Updated Date as an option to the Content Item Metadata includelet.

From a styling perspective the includelet currently assumes that you'll want the date at the bottom, and so puts a line above it. So it works best in the Bottom slot of the layout.

You can see an example on this page. (The "Updated..." bit at the bottom!)

You could also set this in the Bottom slot of your homepage then set it to inherit to all sub-pages, if you want it to appear everywhere!

Do try it and see how you get on. Maybe the styling could be more context-aware (e.g., doesn't draw the line if it's at the top or in a sub-column), but for now see what you think as it is.



Posted by GrahamShort on

The last updated works well for me. The only thing I have noticed is that you can't add it to applications, like Calendar or Photo Album. That would be a nice enhancement for the future.

I would still appreciate having the option to Name an accordian includelet. As this makes adding into the middle of a long list of includelets so much easier.