Hi all, I've recently purchased a domain name from Kualo and would like to add this to my e-voice site. I've been reading instructions on how to do this, but I'm still a bit confused. In my login area on Kualo I have navigated to where I need to update the DNS settings and I am presented with 5 boxes as follows:
Nameserver 1 - ns1.kualo.net
Nameserver 2 - ns2.kualo.net
Nameserver 3 - ns3.kualo.net
Nameserver 4 - ns4.kualo.net
Nameserver 5 - left blank
On the e-voice instructions for changing the DNS settings it says to replace the details with 'IP Address'
My question is do I replace all 4 boxes above with 'IP Address'? Or just one and delete whats in the other boxes?
Also the e-voice instructions mention A records and AAAA records but not really sure what these are referring to?
Would appreciate any help with this.
Thanks Katie
Hi Katie,
First up - do NOT change the nameservers. They should remain as ns1.kualo.net etc.
The nameserver settings tell the internet where to look to find the DNS settings for your domain. You should keep the defaults for your registrar unless you really really want to have your DNS settings managed elsewhere.
I've never used Kualo (indeed I hadn't heard of it until now) but presumably they have some sort of DNS management page as part of the domain settings. It's here, and not the nameserver setttings, that you need to go to add the A record for Voice.
(The idea of an A record should hopefully become clearer once you find the DNS settings page!)
This might be a relevant page on the Kualo knowledge base. (though I'm not sure because I've not used it!)