Posted by BrynM on

Adding to my question above....

I also notice that the admin options do not always appear for admins below the site, so admin work is not possible.

I assume that maybe higher level admin is sometimes going on so I just have to wait until the admin options display again.

Is there a reason for this ?



Posted by JoMaye on

Have you tried using a different browser?

I only ever have to log in at the begining of a session, unless I leave it unattended for a long while.

It's very strange about the admin not appearing - I've been using Voice for over ten years and my admin bar always appears. Is your window definitely maximised? I'm wondering if perhaps your screen is not showing the whole window.

Posted by Joe Oldak on

You need to refresh your password periodically - normally if you've been inactive for about an hour - though it doesn't completely log you out, for example you'll still see the User and Admin menu, but you'll be asked to confirm your password if you try to access those pages. If you are constantly using the site you will not be required to refresh the password.

This happens regardless of whether you tick Remember Me or not.

If you don't tick Remember Me then it completely forgets who you are at the end of the session (i.e., when you close the browser window).

Perhaps the "about an hour" isn't long enough, and it should wait longer before requiring a password confirmation. Perhaps two hours would be better? (or, at least guarantee that it really is always an hour?)

As for the admin options, these should always appear if you're logged in, though the way they look depends on the theme. In Fresh/Clarity you see the new-style Admin menu with a cog button, though in Modern you should see an admin bar at the bottom, and in Bootstrap you can configure where the admin bar appears.

If for some reason you don't see the menu, just add /admin/ to the end of you site's URL and you'll go straight to the admin pages (and you'll be asked to log in first if necessary)



Posted by Joe Oldak on

I've made a small config change that means you should now not be asked to refresh your password unless you've been inactive for a "proper" hour. Previously it was "up to an hour", but could be as little as half an hour sometimes.

Hopefully this makes it a bit more predictable, and that you're asked to refresh the password less often!



Posted by JoMaye on

Whatever you have done has fixed my "Stay logged in" bug. I just opened the website and was already logged in. Thanks!