I have enabled an events calendar, how do you populate it with events ?
Events are added via the public pages of the website - not the admin backend.
If you're logged in when you view the calendar you'll see different buttons to add an event depending on which calendar view you're in.
- In the List view there's an Add an event button below the list.
- In the other views you will see a button in each day/time slot to add an event on this day/time.
There's more information in the documentation (which is in the process of being updated and improved).
Thanks Joe
I worked that out in the end but I want to add the events calendar to the bottom of the home page, not a seperate page. I cant do that because the event includlet does not appear in the list when I try to include it.
The includelet options available seem context sensitive.
Why is this ?
You can't add the Events Calendar to another page (nor can you add any other Application to another page) - they all have their own pages.
To show events on your homepage use the Upcoming Events includelet. It is available to use in any Slot on any content page, and shows events from the Calendar.
This the includelet used on the homepage of the Demo Site to show events.