Posted by sue potter on

Hi Jo

Apologies, I am sure this has been asked but couldn't find the thread.

Before deleting, how can i check if an asset (image or doc) is being used and shouldn't be delted?



Posted by Joe Oldak on

There's no perfect way to check whether an image or document (or a page on your site) isn't being linked to from elsewhere, and unfortunately Voice doesn't keep track of this.

Indeed, a page or document could be linked from somewhere else on the Internet which you have no control over. So even if you don't have a link to it on your site, it may be referenced from elsewhere.

One thing you could do is to check in the Reports tab of your site to see if the image/document is being viewed. If it has zero hits then it's a safe bet that it's not being used anywhere!



Posted by sue potter on
Thanks Joe.
I have been a bit cavalier deleting images! Just been keeping fingers crossed they were placed on old versions of our webpages or old news / events.
I'll take a look at the report facility - thanks for your suggestion
Posted by Joe Oldak on

Hi Sue,

Another option is to create a folder in your Assets library called something like "Old Images" and move the images into there that you don't think you're using.

The URL of the image won't change even if you move it into a folder.

That way, you can organise your existing assets to get old ones out of the way, without breaking any pages/links that might still be using them.

(Note: if you move Content pages into a different folder of your site the URL does change, but moving Assets into folders doesn't change their URLs)

