Posted by Joe Oldak on

Exciting times!

There's a new theme now available to all sites on Voice.

In fact it's so new it will likely receive some updates and fixes in the coming weeks. But it's safe to use it right now, either on your live site or on your test site (access to test sites available on request).

The theme is called Clarity. It's clean and minimalist with a neat off-canvas menu the pops in from the right, and big easy to read text.

It's currently selected on the Demo Site and - go and have a look!

It has a few unique features not found (yet) in any other Voice themes:

  • You can pick Any colour for the background, text, and buttons, and the theme will automatically use variations of your colours around site. It also works well if you choose a dark background with light text.
  • You can pick from the most popular Google Fonts for the body and headers, including several handwriting and monospace styles.
  • I've "reimagined" the breadcrumb which now shows one link back to the next level up in the site rather than showing links to all levels.

As with the Fresh theme, I haven't overloaded it with configuration options (I'm looking at you, Bootstrap theme!), so it's nice and easy to get started with!

It'd be great if you could try it and send feedback this way.


Joe - Voice Admin

Posted by Joe Oldak on

I had used the new Clarity theme on the Documentation site, but although it looked great and was super-readable, I've reverted this back to Modern for now, as Clarity as yet doesn't support a menu that's three levels deep.

I'll have a think about this, and either add extra menu levels to Clarity or rejig the documentation so that it doesn't need it. The documentation is in need of an overhaul anyway so maybe this is the push I need to get on with it!

In the meantime Clarity is shown on the Demo Site. And if anyone uses it on their site and likes it then please mention it in this thread so others can have a look!



Posted by Joe Oldak on

Clarity is now the theme of choice for the Documentation, though I've reverted the Demo Site back to the Fresh theme with the United colour scheme.

Joe - Voice Admin